Ending with a Bang

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3 weeks later

Parker- Hey I think we should talk, meet me at my place?

Me- What time?

Parker- whatever time works for you

Me- okay I'll text you on my way there

"Callie, Mason is here if you wanna talk" Dylan screamed at the top of his lungs even though he was just downstairs. "I'll be right down" I said grabbing my phone and stuffing it into my back pocket. I quickly ran down the stairs to see Dylan, Mason, and Mackenzie standing in the kitchen.

"Hey mase" "Cal" he said with in a very tense tone sounding tired. "Why don't you two go upstairs and talk" Mackenzie said patting Mason on the back. "Yeah you two, were just gonna be talking for awhile but your sister will call you when we're done" Dylan also added in a serious tone. "Okay let's go"

"So anything new in your love life yet?" "What do you think?" "Dude there are so many girls that would kill to date you" "and there are so many hoes that would love to use me" "okay I guess you have a point but you need to meet a girl" "I have all the girls that I need. You, Alex, Julia, and Lily" he said patting my back.

"I mean girls that aren't in a relationship or an it's complicated stage" "well then I'm fine being single, I'd rather find someone who doesn't go to school with us so I at least know they aren't a Phoenix girl" "Well I'm not a Phoenix girl am I?" "Nah you weren't born here so it doesn't count and that's why you aren't a girl who sleeps with every guy they lay they're eye on" "well I think I'm a hoe, I mean I've led 3 guys on and kissed another" "well all I'm saying is don't turn into one of those girls, you don't need that"

"Well I'm seeing Parker today" I said nervously because he still doesn't like him all that much. "That's great, how are you two?" "I don't know, to be honest I'm on and off with him. It's like one minute I want him and the next I don't. It just doesn't seem right" "or are your feelings leading you back to someone else?"

When he said this I had to really think about it. Was he right? Was I falling for someone in my past or was it me overthinking. "I don't think so, I'm just trying to take time to think" "I get it Cal, change is confusing, but once you know what you want everything was be okay" "I hope so" I said laying my head on his shoulder.

"Wanna go get something to eat? My treat" he said getting up and taking his wallet out. "Are you sure?" "I'm positive, I'll even drive your car since I don't have mine" "Fine yet where do you wanna go?" "Is the pizza place in Glendale fine?" "Omg yes, I haven't been there since Hunter took me when we were together" "trust me, it's gotten better" "I'm so excited" I said grabbing my phone and wallet. After I felt my phone vibrate, but I ignored it because I already knew what it was about.
"I love spending time with my best friend" I exclaimed as we sat down in a booth across from one another. "Me too, I needed to get away from the guys for awhile" "so how's basketball?" "Good but it's coming to an end. Have you been to any games this year?" "Yeah like one or two but I've been so stressed"

"Welcome to Surfers pizza, what can I get you?" "Can I have you number?" I said smiling at the waiter waiting to notice me. "Callie? Mason? What are you two doing here" "the better question is why are you here Hunter?" "I work here"

"Dude you work here?" Mason said getting up as the did their handshake. "Yeah" "Since when?" "Since a year and a half ago, my moms friend owns this place and he let me start working when I was 15. I told him about how much I wanted a car and he just offered me the job" "that's great man, maybe you could help me get a discount" "oh yeah definitely" "well I come all the time so I need to start paying a little less"

It's just a little too complicated (Sequel to The Choice)Where stories live. Discover now