Losing it?

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"Hey Austin maybe you should go talk to her, ring is coming up and I'm sure you'll need a date and so will she" "funny" "Austin she's still single"

"fine but I'm doing this for her and for me, for us" "YES!" "No promises that she'll wanna go with me" "trust me, deep down she probably does and so do you" "let's go" he said grabbing his keys from his back pocket.

After he drove to McDonald's to get fries since they are her favourite, We went to the grocery store and he got a bouquet of flowers, and we got her a stuffed bear holding a whiteboard that say Ring?"

When we got to the house Parker opened the door. "Hey cal- what is he doing here?" "I came to ask your sister to ring" "why? You guys broke up" "what's the issue, we can't go as friends?" "You can't really be friends with your ex" "well she was my friend before" "it doesn't matter"

"Guys can we please chill" I asked calmly. "My sister doesn't deserve to get her heart broken by you" "yeah and my best friend doesn't deserve to get her heart broken by you"

"Callie tell him" "tell him what?" "To leave" "why?" "I already told him" "Parker give him a chance, you don't even know him that well, yeah he's made a few mistakes, but let Alex and Austin be. You can't always fight him just because he wants to make up for his mistakes." "You know I've warned her about him" "yeah and I've been warned about you too" I said pushing into the house with Austin behind me and Parker slammed the door and left behind us.

"Hey you two" Alex said walking out of her room. "Hey" "what just happened?" "Your brother got a little upset and flipped shit on me" "I thought you liked each other" "ugh don't even talk about that" "what happened between you too?"

"I happened" Austin said. "What do you mean?" She asked confused. "He got mad at me and him and Callie started to argue" "why?" "Because he doesn't believe exes can be friends and as your ex I wanna ask you to ring"

"What?" She said starting to laugh. "I know that you wanna enjoy your night and I wanna enjoy mine, and it would be nice to spend it together" "of course I'll go with you" she said giving him a hug. "It's good you said yes or else I would've eaten all of these fries" "hell no give me those right now" she said jumping on him.

"Oooo couple alert" I said. "Callie it's not like that" they both turned to me at the same time. "Goals" "best friend goals" Alex said throwing a fry at me.

After we watched netflix while continuing to eat the fries. "So are you going to talk to Parker?" "I can't, not after what just happened" "just give it a day, he'll be fine tomorrow and I'll talk to him" "I don't know I mean am I really sure he's even worth it?" "I don't know, that's your decision. All I know is you guys both seem happier" "I don't know I think i just need to take another break from boys"

"Callie stop, just because you have problems with every guy you like doesn't mean you just have to take a break from them" "woah there that's not true at all" "c'mon Callie it's obvious that you have some feelings for Hunter, Blake, Parker, and Scott" "Scott?" "I see the way you look at him" "yeah thats the way I look at every other person" "don't deny it"

"Are you Calling me a slut?" "You know maybe I should g-" Austin said trying to leave. "No!" We said pushing him back onto the bed. "No I'm just saying, you need to pick a boy" "really because before you started dating him for the first time you couldn't decide whether you liked him, Justin Riley, or Carter" "yeah but now I'm I'm not like that"

"Really remember what happened after you and Austin broke up" "no" "you lead Conner Hayes on" "well he has a girlfriend now" "that's his best friend and I heard them the other day talking about how you lead him on and then stood him up" "I told him that I couldn't come" "yeah a half an hour after the actual date time" "well at least I called"

It's just a little too complicated (Sequel to The Choice)Where stories live. Discover now