My hangover helper

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Callie Pov
Waking up at 11:30 sounds like a good idea until you actually do. I grabbed my phone when. I noticed someone next to me. "Hey" "good morning" I saw Blake pop up. "What are you doing here, did we sleep together?" "I mean I know you want that to happen but no that's not what happened" "than why are you here?"

"Callie you got drunk last night, and your about to have a serious hangover. I stayed over because I knew that you would need someone to help you because your all alone" "Blake I'm a big girl, I can handle it myself" "well I wanted to make sure your okay" "I am" I said as my throat started to close.

"Callie no your not" "i'll be back" I said running to the bathroom. I hit on the ground and Blake ended up being right. I was gonna get sick. As I got sick he pulled back my hair and put it in a ponytail.

"I guess you were right" "it's okay, if you still want me to leave I will" he said handing me an aspirin, "no, please stay" "okay, I'm gonna go clean up a little downstairs and make something for us to eat" "Blake don't, this was all my fault" "it's okay, I wanna help a friend" he said grabbing my hand. "Thanks" "nope problem just call me if you need anything.

I'm so confused. After he goes and tries to make me jealous he just stays here for me. I'm shocked because of that. I don't remember really anything from last night other than Drinking so much vodka and taking shots of tequila.

After I just used my phone until I received a text.

Parker- hey can I come over?

Callie- I'm sick :/

Parker- idc I need to talk to you

Callie- okay

A few minutes later I heard the door open. "Callie Parker is here and wants to talk" "okay send him up" "got it".

After he came upstairs. "Hey party girl" "hi" so are you good from last night?" "Nope I'm so hungover" "sorry" "so what did you do last night, hang out with some friends, eat, hookup with any girls?" "We were actually together the whole time" "really? I remember hanging out with you for a few minutes but not the whole time. "Let me try and refresh your memory" he said kissing me randomly. "Sorry last night is a complete blur to me" "you know what, it's a complete blur to me too. Just forget everything I said"

"Parker" I said grabbing onto his arm as he tried to leave. "What?" "If what you said was that important tell me what you said" "trust me it's not important and it will never be" he said walking out of the door.

"What the hell was that all about?" Blake asked bringing up grilled cheese and Sprite and then sitting beside me. "Uh Parker said that we were together all last night and he said he told me something but I don't remember what he said" "you were together practically the whole night" "ugh why does this stuff happen to me" "I don't know"

"What about you and that sophomore" "what about us?" "What did you guys do last night" "nothing we just walked around the house. Nothing like that happened other than her trying to kiss me" "she tried to kiss you?" I asked trying not to laugh. "Yeah but I pulled away and told her that I just wanted to be friends" "oh wow" "yeah so that happened to me last night"

"So what happened between you and Parker from what you remember that took place up here" "we just talked, I don't know about what, but I know for a fact the all we Did was talk"

"Does Alex know that your hanging around her brother?" "Nope she would kill me. She thinks that I hate him" "well don't you?" "No, he's been nothing but nice to me" "shocking" "I know right. But please don't tell her. I know that word could spread around but I'd rather be the one to tell her rather than her finding out from somebody else"

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