Make up or Make out?

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Callie's pov

"Hey lit party on Saturday" "throw some more" "got any of that alcohol still at your house? I'll take it" People said to me walking through the hallways. Turns out my party was a bigger success than I thought.

I honestly don't remember seeing half of these people at the party. But all that matters is that they had fun. I was walking to my locker when I saw Blake with that sophomore. I didn't let it get to me because we agreed to be just friends.

After I turned the other way and saw Parker at his locker all alone. It makes me sad knowing that I haven't fully talked about Saturday with him.

"Hey best friend" Hunter said "geez you scared me" "are you okay?" "Yeah why?" "Because you don't look okay" "I am it's just-" "complicated, I get it, that's like your catch phrase" "is it that obvious?" "Yeah you look like you might pass out" "great"

"Good party by the way" "thanks Did you hang out with Madison the whole time" "nope I hung around with Luke, Liam, and Jayden" "what happened with Mad?" "She just wanted to hang out with friends" "that sucks" "yeah it did" "sorry"

"Well I gotta get to class, ill text you tonight" "sounds good" up said as we waved goodbye.

First and second period surprisingly went by really fast and by third period I was with Parker. "Okay kids we'll be starting genetics so I'll put you guys in groups of three. Giovanni, Maria ,and zander. Jack, Matthew, and Bailey. Callie Parker..... So these are the group's no excuses. "Mrs Malone?" "Yes Parker" "I don't have a partner" "oh sorry about that, does anyone else not have a partner?"

Great, I already know that Mrs Malone is gonna make me work with him no matter what. "I don't" I said raising my hand. "Perfect, Parker work with Callie" "okay" he said rolling his eyes on the way to my desk.

"Lets just get this over with Mitchell" "are you okay?" "Yeah" he said snapping at me. "Is this about Saturday because I want to talk about that?" "Look if you don't remember what happened then don't bring it up" "look if we had something on Saturday I wanna know what it was" "go ask wasted Callie, she definitely knows the answer"

"Parker!" "You know what, fine meet me at My house after school. My sister has to work" "since when did your sister start working?" "I guess since she texted me that she has work at 2:30" "where does she work?" "I don't know that information, nor do I care" "wow okay"

After we just worked on the project like we were supposed to and surprisingly we didn't argue. I know that we still aren't the best of friends, but we definitely need to get to know each other better.

Alex and I have been best friends for years and Parker and I never  really cared for each other. I hung out with my friends and he hung out with his and that's the way it's always been. The only Times I would really ever see Parker was when I slept over Alex's or when we used to eat at the table with us at meal times.

Parker is one of the guys who chases after something for awhile and then gives up if there's an obstacle in his way. Blake and my drinking were the obstacles that stopped him from showing his real feelings.

After school I immediately made my way the the Cartright household. When I pulled into their driveway Parker had just gotten there.

"Looks like you were so eager to get here, that you tried getting here before me" "oh your so full of it" "at least I know that" "whatever" I said walking into the house.

"Hey do you still have that box of goldfish your sister gave me the other day" I said searching in the cabinets. "What makes you think you can just walk into my house and steal food" he said eating goldfish out of the box "I do it all of the time, like now" I said grabbing the box from him.

"Bitch" "dumbass" I said grabbing a handful and stuffing them in my mouth. "Lets talk" "no, I'm good eating right now, ask me in 20" "Callie!" He said ripping the box out of my hand. "Fine, fine where do you want to talk while I continue to eat" "my room, just in case Tyler brings Cameron home (other younger brother) or anything else.

"Fine but can I at least have my food?" "Yeah" he said rolling his eyes before walking upstairs. "So do you wanna know the short or long version of Saturday night?" "Which ever one you think is gonna make me remember" "okay so maybe the short version because I'm too tired to talk about that whole night" "so go"

"You remember talking about Blake right?" "No" "well anyway I started talking to you and you started staring at Blake so we decided to go upstairs to talk about it. The you told me how you guys broke up. After I got you a drink and you liked it so much  you wanted to get more. You spent like 20 minutes in there doing I don't know what and next thing I know you already had 3 drinks. We were dancing and then you just kissed me"

"I kissed you?" "Yeah" "damn I was a hoe that night" "you still are" "shut up" I said throwing goldfish at him. "Hey your picking that up" "nope" I said walking out of the room. "Get over here" he said grabbing me.

"Put me down" "fine" he said throwing me on his bed. "Hey" "haha" "you think your so funny" I said putting my leg out and then he tripped over it and fell onto me. We stayed in that same position for a few seconds until he broke the silence

"You know how bad I wanna kiss you right now" he said breathing heavily on me while his face was just inches away from mine. "Nothing is stopping you" I said and then he kissed me. We kissed slowly for a few seconds until I broke the kiss.

"Look Parker-" "don't say anything, I know you need some time to think about this. I get it, it's new to me too." "Thanks" I said until it was awkward. "High five" he said and then I gave him one.

"Hey do you know if Tyler stole my-. Callie?" "It's not what it looks like" "we're working on a Genetics project, that's why she's here" "why didn't you guys just work downstairs?" "Mom just changed the tablecloth and we didn't wanna mess it up" "oh okay"

"How was work?" "Today they just showed me the basics so I didn't take long" she explained to me. "Well ill leave you two to talk" Parker said leaving the room. "Thats alright I'm leaving anyway" "well I'll see you tomorrow" "bye" they both said.

This feels like last year when I had to make my decision but less worse. I just hope that everything works for the best a d that I'm happy in the end no matter what.

It's just a little too complicated (Sequel to The Choice)Where stories live. Discover now