Hanging With Hunter?

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Callie's pov


Once the last period bell rang I immediately walked out of English with Austin. "What do you mean when you say lacrosse is not the best sport for a guy to play" "In my opinion lacrosse is boring as hell to watch and even if I wanted to, I would be able to see cute guys because of the big ass helmets you guys wear" "oh get over yourself. All you like to see are the guys' faces and asses" "your not wrong but remember that I'm a softball player and baseball is very entertaining to me" "what's your favorite team?" "The Yankees" "why because your dad likes them?" "Yeah" I said giving him a smile. "Who's the best player in your opinion?" "Kris Bryant hands down" "trash" "then your worse then trash compared to him" "the only reason you like him is because he's "hot" to girls" "again true but false" "whatever, Alex just texted me to meet her at her car" "Why?" "Who knows" "are you guys gonna be "savages" and do it in her car while in school property?" "Your so fucking gross and dirty minded" "love you" i said blowing him a fake kiss while he walked away.

"Ummm Callie" I heard a familiar voice call out. "Yeah?" I said turning around to see it was Hunter. "I need a favor from you" "yeah, what's up?" "My grades are starting to slip again, do you think you can possibly come over and tutor me?" "Yeah sure when?" "Can I bring you to my house so we can do it now?" "If you want" "great, get yourself set and meet me at my car" "okay".

"Callie you ready to go?" I heard Blake say from behind grabbing my hands. "Oh no" "what's wrong?" "I totally forgot that you were supposed to take me out for coffee and I agreed to help Hunter" "oh, that's okay we can go some other time" "yeah, I'm so sorry" "it's understandable, your helping a friend" "yeah" "well are we still on for tomorrow?" "Of course" "okay love you" he said kissing my forehead. "Love you too" I said as he let go of my hands. I felt bad but I'm still trying to rekindle my friendship with Hunter and he knows that it means a lot to the two of us.

When I got outside to his car he was already waiting for me. "Wow it's so warm in here compared to outside" "well obviously" "well I'm sorry for explaining how I feel" "it's okay, wanna stop at Dunkin Donuts?" "Well I don't exactly have cash on me at the moment" "that's okay, it me paying you for tutoring me" "well If that's gonna happen I'll tutor you every day" "wow okay I see how it is" "of course"

After a few minute drive we finally got to Dunkin Donuts. Hunter decided to go through the drive thru to make it easier for the both of us. "Hello welcome to Dunkin Donuts may I take your order" "ugh yeah can I get 2 medium hot chocolates and a dozen donuts" "ugh yeah that will be $10.48" "okay thanks". "Dang you remembered what I like from here" "yeah we used to come here all of the time when we were together" "well yeah but that was over a year ago" "I don't know I just have really good memory I guess"

When we drove up to the window Hunter took his money out of his wallet. "Your total is $10.48. Wait Hunter?" "Oh hey Addie" "we should hang out again, we really haven't talke in a while" "haha yeah" "unless your with her" the worker said pointing at me. "Oh no she's just a friend" "whatever you say. Call me" she said handing us our stuff.

"Hunter did you know her?" "Yeah she's a senior" "a senior in what? College?" "No in high school or no wait she graduated from our school last year so she's a Freshman in college" "oh and what did she mean when she said we haven't talked in awhile?" "Okay so this is gonna be kind of weird but this summer I may have been a little knocked up and I talked to like 10 girls at once, one of them being addie" "um why?" "It happened after, you know and I was in a dark place so that's what I had to do" "oh" "yeah I guess I did what my brother used to tell me" "why would you listen to him, he an idiot" "I don't know but I really regret it. I wanted my first time to be special but I just ended up doing it with a girl that I barley remember" "yeah that sucks"

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