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Today I have to go multiple things. I have to meet Alex at the mall, go to Scott's to hang out with everyone there, and then I'm going to Blakes house.

"Calieeeee" Alex said as I was getting into the car "Alexxx" "so I can't wait to see hotties at the mall, I haven't been able to say that at the mall" "ironic that you can say it when your single but when I was single you got mad when I said it" "cmon Callie be excited for me!" "I am but it's just-" "because of Austin,  I understand, you guys are friends and you don't wanna get him upset, it's okay I get it" "Alex just know that deep down I am happy for you but what you said was accurate " "well I know I'm all excited about this but I do miss him" "of course you do, like I say every time, it's gonna take time to get over him" "yeah but whatever I don't wanna talk about him"

"So what do you think about volleyball being over?" I asked "eh idk I'm just mentally drained " "me too" "so what's going on between you and Hunter?" "What do you mean" "I know you guy's have been sneaking around, are you cheating on Blake?" "Hell no, I care about Blake too much, I'm just turning Hunter" "tutoring him in what, how to get you back" "Alex!" "I'm just saying, I mean would you ever consider getting back with him" "ugh I don't know" "yes you do!"

 "No I don't, he cheated on me, remember" "well I don't consider it him cheating on you, he was just confused and plus didn't your boyfriend cheat on you" "Alex stop" "just saying, if you can give Blake another chance why can't you give Hunter one?" "It's complicated and plus I liked Blake while dating Hunter some feelings for him went away awhile ago" "damn and I thought my life was complicated" "it is but my life is just starting to slow down and get back to normal" "lucky" 

"it's okay things will get better" "yeah" she said it avoiding direct eye contact. "A are you okay" "yeah why wouldn't I be?" "You just seem different" "I'm not I just don't care about anything anymore" "don't say that" "I'm serious I hate life and I hate Austin, my life can't get any worse" "stop you doing this to yourself again" "I can't control it okay, my life is now a blur, I had everything I had wanted in life, and it sucks because I was the one who broke up with Austin  but I don't wanna get back with him" "okay your really not okay, do you want him or not" "I want him but I don't know if it'll work" "okay well ring is coming up soon so we'll go dress shopping and then maybe another guy will come and ask you" "your right I gotta focus on the positive".

After we just walked around the mall, at food, and went  shopping. We just had normal random conversations just so that Austin couldn't be brough up again.

After I drove myself to Scott's house. "Hey Cal, thanks for coming" "no problem, you should talk to my sister first, she wanted to talk to you" "okay" I said heading upstairs

I knew which rooms were  Scott's and his parents so I just assumed that Adrian and James were staying in Ashton's room and Peyton was staying in his sisters room. "Hey Peyton you wanted to talk to me" I said opening the door to see Adrian and her basically swallowing each other's throats . "Shit, I gotta go" Adrian said running out of the room.

"Damn you getting some?" "No" "So what just happened in here" "nothing, Adrian was just looking for something and then I found it, turns out I just swallowed it by accident and Adrian found it" "wow so explain the moaning" "okay you caught us but please don't tell my brother"

 "I won't but don't you have a boyfriend back at home?" "Yeah, it's Adrian" "I thought it was some random?" "I was talking to him when my brother left but then I broke it off because I was stressed " "but don't you hate each other?" "we did but then we were both upset when he left and then we just kinda kissed, which turned into sex, which then turned into a secret relationship" "damn and James doesn't know about this?" "Nope" "so are you planning to tell Scott?" "Yeah eventually but I know he'll be pissed off with the both of this" "so is that why you guys took so long leaving the other day?" "Yeah, it's our only time together " 

It's just a little too complicated (Sequel to The Choice)Where stories live. Discover now