Living the basic high School Life

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Callie's Pov

"Hey Callie" a familiar voice said coming up to me. "Oh hey Laurie" Laurie was one of my best friends when we were younger until I started drifting towards Volleyball and Softball and she started drifting towards Cheerleading and Lacrosse.

"How have you been" "pretty good" "that's good, how's your brother?" "Do you still have that mini crush on my brother?" "A little bit but don't tell my boyfriend" "haha I won't" "so are you still dating the cute Blondie Blake" "yup" "aww you guys are so cute together" "thanks so are you and Carter" (if you don't remember Carter is one of Tyler's friends (Alex's older brother).

"Aww thanks, I like you and Blake better then when you and Hunter dated" "ha yeah that was a rocky relationship" "did you know that him and Madison Kelly are talking" "oh I thought they stopped talking" "nah she told us at cheer practice yesterday that they've been texting for awhile and that he might ask her out soon" "really" "yeah why, do you still have feelings for him?" "No he's just been lying to me" "damn just don't tell Madison that I told you that" "I won't"

"So Callie is it just me or this school has been dry party wise" "hell yeah, I don't remember the last time I got drunk" "and you shouldn't" "true" "so maybe you should throw a party" "yeah and then have my brother or sister whoop my ass" "nah they're pretty chill, just explain that you wanna party just like they did junior year" "they don't even like when I'm in my house alone with just my boyfriend, how do you think they would be okay with 70 people in my house at once" "just tell them it's a get together" "ugh I don't know"

"Hey everyone Party at Callie's on Saturday from 8 to whenever!" "Laurie, literally the whole Junior and Senior class could hear that" "well at least you won't have Freshman or Sophomores there" "people talk" "oh yeah oops gotta go" she said running away. "I hate you"

"So your becoming a party girl all of a sudden?" Jacob said walking up to me "no, why do people do this to me" "because they all secretly hate you" "and I hate you, that's clearly not a secret" "okay wow I,was gonna offer to help you but never mind" he said walking away "no Jake wait" I said jumping on his back.

"That's what I thought" "thank you" I said hugging him. "I'll get all of the boys to help you, your lucky that they like you" "I know, I just don't even know what to do. My siblings and Parents would kill me of they saw alcohol missing" "the boys and I will take care of that" "what about food" "just get chips and cookies and you'll be good" "what about music?" "Tyler has some pretty lit music on his phone" "great and one more thing" "yeah" "what if my siblings or  parents come home?" "Then your done" "great"

"Cal you'll be fine, you've gotten away with a lot this year" "wow" "I mean you did keep a secret boyfriend for about three months" "well It was a secret until I told Austin and you figured it out" "I know I'm just super smart for you" "and here comes your cockiness" "well sorry for being such an honest person" "bye Jacob" "bye Callie" I said walking away.

When I got home I started to plan out everything. Just as I sat down I heard a knock on my door". Just as I opened the door the one and only Hunter Rowland was standing there. I immediately closed the door on him. A few minutes later I started hearing rumbling upstairs but I just ignored it. "Callieee" I heard an annoying voice say.

"Hunter what the bell" "I'm sorry that you left your window open" "you should be, what do you want anyway?" "Cal are you okay, did you get your -" "enough just tell me what you want or I'll push you out of my window"

"so I heard you having a party on Saturday" "yeah and your not invited" "why?" "Because your a liar" "nah" "Lauire told me your still talking to Madison" "Who Laurie your ex best friend?" "yeah" "cal that girl is a little nutty" "Hunter I'm serious, are you two still talking" "Yeah" "why did you lie to me?" "Because I needed relationship advice and your the last girl I dated so I thought that if I lied to you, that I didn't need to ask you" "your dumb" "I know"

"So what do you need help with?" "Wait your actually gonna help me even though I put you through hell freshman and sophomore year?" "Yeah I don't hate you" "but you don't like me?" "I never said that" "so you do like me" "I never said that either" "wow" "I'm kidding of course I don't hate you, you just lie to me too much" "true"

"So anyway I've already went out with her a few times but I'm still not sure of I wanna actually go out with her" "why?" "I don't know I just always have this feeling that nothing will work out ever since-" "ever since Blake and I started secretly dated, yeah I know" "yeah my trust has been pretty messed up since that whole incident" "that's what I figured and we were pretty messed up people to hide that" "yeah"

"What else do you need help with?" "How to get a girl back" "why what happened?" "Some kid on the Soccer team, Chase is trying to steal her away for me" "aww Chase is such a cute" "Callie!" "Sorry he's just so adorable and sweet" "Cal your not helping here"

"sorry, back on track, just tell her how you feel" "I can't" "why not?" "I already told you, I don't know exactly how I feel about her yet and I don't even know if she likes me back" "why do you think she doesn't like you back?" "Because I'm the biggest flop at this school" "that's untrue" "really? I had college scouts coming to my games last year and this year all they came for was Jayden, Blake, Jeremiah, Gabe, and Wes" "yeah because they were seniors" "Jayden and Blake aren't" "well they might've been looking at them to compare them and their brothers"  "nope they're just good and I'm not" "shut up. You went all state Freshman and Sophomore year and maybe this year you'll be all-state again" "I highly doubt that" "fine whatever Hunter doubt yourself"

"Callie there's also another reason that I'm scared to be with her" "why?" "Because I'm afraid that our relationship will be the same way ours was" "there wasn't anything bad about it until the end" "exactly and everything ends up being fucked up for me" "wah wah wah cry me a river" "Callie!" "Sorry I just felt like a little joke needed to be thrown in there" I said and he gave me a dirty look "or maybe not"

"Callie I need you to be serious with me" "sorry, you know I'm not a serious person" "I'm aware" he started laughing "so anyways why don't you come to my party with her-" "we both were already going" "bitch you didn't let me finish" "sorry" "so anyways why don't you get a group of guys and have her friends come talk too" "nope not doing that" "or not"

"Why don't we go on a double date" "eww why?" "So it won't be awkward for me" "but then I'm basically going out with my ex and my boyfriend" "don't think of it like that" "fine but one question" "yeah" "how are you gonna ask her?" "Shit" "exactly" "Callie can you please ask her for me?" "We don't even talk that much" "please?" "Fine but only for you" "thank you so much,I'm gonna pee and I'll be right back" "Damn keep your bladder together" "sorry"

After I realized he left his phone on the table once again. So I decided to text her off of his phone and pretend to be him"

H (Callie)- hi ;)

Mads😋- hey H

H- so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with Callie, Blake, and I Friday night?"

Mads😋- sure, I just have to make sure that I don't have cheer practice

H- great

Mads😋- ill text you back later, I have soccer practice

H- you play soccer too?

Mass😋- yeah there's a lot you don't know about me 😏

"Callie no you didnt" I heard Hunter scream behind me. "Yes I did" I said handing him his phone "great you asked her out for me" "sorry but you went to slow" "wow" "can I at least get a thank you?" "Thanks" "no problem".

"Be ready to go to the limelite teen club up in Greenville" "seriously?" "Seriously and you have to wear, something nice in order to get in" "ugh why do you get me into these situations" "because I'm helping you" "fine callie you win"

It's just a little too complicated (Sequel to The Choice)Where stories live. Discover now