The meeting

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Callie's pov

After School

"So you two broke up right when I left?" I said closing my locker in shock "Yeah I just couldn't handle the pressure of everything going on right now and the fact that all of my friends were betraying me for something that I didn't do" "well does he know that what they were saying wasn't true?" "Yeahi just feel like we both needed a break" "well listen, I don't want you to think I'm shading you or anything but what if the boys think you broke up with him for Nick?" "Again he's taken and I'm happy for him and Julia, it's that simple".

"Well Nick is pretty cute so if you like him you can just tell me" "I don't, even Scott is cuter then him" "yeah okay" "why do you disagree, because if so I'll tell Scott right now" "oh no" I said grabbing onto her arm. "Exactly, we both know that your boyfriend would flip shit if I went up to Scott" "wait you made up with him?" "Yeah he texted me last night and we talked it out but he hasn't been here for the longest time so he also didn't know a lot about what went on before he came" "true"

After we stood at our lockers for a few more minutes until Blake, Joey, Scott, Mike, and Mason came up to us. "Hey girls, can we talk?" Joey asked "yeah" "no" Alex responded "please we wanted to apologize" Mike said "for what!", showing me your true colors?" "Listen we didn't mean to get you upset" "but you did, Austin and I are broken up now so you got what you wanted" "we never meant for that to happen" "well it did so why don't you guys go find some girls to mess around with" she said walking away from her locker. "I'll text you guys later" I said following her.

After we were walking when we noticed Austin with some girls. "Alex please don't lose it" "I'm not, we're not together anymore and I can't control what he does, he can go be the same boy he was before" "don't say that" "I can and I will"

"Hey girls" Ellie said "fuck off!" Alex screamed "Alex chill she's just trying to push your buttons" I whispered "so I heard you and your little sex partner broke things off" "bitch what didn't you understand when I told you to fuck off" "oh I understood everything, I just wanna let you know that I know you guys had oral sex and that your getting tested for a Syphillis" "what the actual hell, you don't know me and you don't know my life. None of that ever happened" "okay but just telling you that you better tell your boy before he hooks up with some new girls because I could tell he wasn't having a good time with you" she winked.

"Bitchhhh" she said going at her until I pulled her away "Alex cmon she not worth our time and you know she's just messing with your head" "your right, just give me a second" "Alex no" "Hey Austin I hope you had a nice time with Ellie last night and I hope you have a good time with the rest of these girls even though I gave you my everything and all I got in return were just lies, but let me just tell everyone now. Don't waste your time on someone or something anything until you know it's right because sometimes when you think it's right, karma will be a bitch and do shitty things to you." She said and then ran out.

"Shit Callie, what do I do?" He said walking away from the girls "Figure it out in your own, you were the one who made mistakes" "please Cal?" "I have to go check up on her, you need to think about it" "ugh"

"Alex!" "He said he didn't even wanna break up with me and now not even a day after he's hooking up with other girls" "I know he just keeps messing up and can't learn from his mistakes" "me neither, I'm the one who keeps coming back to him and this just reminds me of you and Hunter" "this isn't about the past or Hunter and I, this is about the future with you and Austin. Deep down in your heart you miss him" "I did but now I can't because I want those feelings to go away but they just won't go away naturally, if they even go away" "well only time will tell"

"Thanks for being such a good friend, without you I probably would've been in the office right now" "true but no problem, you deserve happiness" "your right I do and it's not gonna make me happy if I just sit around moping over a boy that I broke up with" "exactly let's go boy searching" "woah woah woah calm down" "fine let's go tomorrow" "what about Friday when we actually have off?" "Ugh why Friday" "um meeting Scott's brother, sister, and best friend" "wow it's already meet the family time?" "Your annoying but no he asked me to meet them since I was his first friend here" "ooo well have fun" "thanks I'll text you later" "yup" "bye" I said walking away.

It's just a little too complicated (Sequel to The Choice)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora