Attention seekers or Desperate Boys?

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Today is the first day back from winter break. I spent Christmas with my family this year but my parents had told leave again before new years.

New year's was pretty different this year considering that we were at Alex's house and we were the only girls single. Mike asked Lily out a few days before we left for break but they aren't together...yet.

Hunter brought Madison with him, Jayden and Savannah came together as well as Julia and Nick , Austin, Joey and Mason brought randoms, and the rest of us just chilled together.

Blake came but we tried avoiding contact with each other so that we can talk it out and just remain friends and nothing more than that.

"Callie" Hunter said walking towards me. "Hey" "did you see Parker yet, he left his charger at my place the other night". Hearing his name gave me chills. He's another guy I've been kinda distant with since we last talked.

We talk a lot still but we haven't tried to be alone since we agreed to just keep we have lowkey if it still even exists.

"Not yet" "do you have any classes with him, I tried to give it to Alex but she said that Parker might think that she stole it" "yeah" "could you give it to him?" "Well see here's the thing, I don't want him thinking I stole his charger either"

"Callie stop it" "no I'm serious" "really because last time I checked you were completely cool with him" "I am but I'm his sister's best friend so if he can't trust her he won't trust me" "just take it" "no" "yes" he said putting it around my shoulder and then walked away.

After I walked into first period and I sat right next to Michael. "Mike have you gone on the date yet" "hello to you too" "tell me about it" "haven't gone yet" "what!" "I've been busy" "with other girls?"

"No, why do you think I asked her out" "for sex?" "dumbass" "what?" "Why would a boy ask a girl out?" "Because he either wants sex or likes the girl" "well we already did that so what do you think?" "Wait you like her?!" "I just gave you the answer"

"omggg!" "Shh I'm keeping it on the low for now" "so are you gonna ask her to be your girlfriend?" "Well we'll see how the first date goes" "shut up" "of course I'll ask her to be my girlfriend. I wouldn't just lead her on like that" "good because boys do that to her all of the time" "good I guess I'm different" "I guess so"

"So do you have any classes with Parker?" I asked hesitantly "Callie put away the charger before you even give it to me" "damn, how did you know?" "I'm smart" he said before class officially started. "More like a smartass" "be quiet"

"Good morning Phoenix High" the principal said scaring everyone on the loud speakers. "As you may know, the junior ring dance and senior prom are approaching quickly. Juniors will report to period 7 and than their teachers will escort them to the auditorium to talk about everything regarding ring and SAT's".

After she just blabbed on about some other stupid things that people don't care about.

When I got to 3rd period I saw Parker sitting on his phone very quiet which meant he was super tired or stressed about because he was barely ever quiet.

When I walked to my seat I took the charger and stared at it. I know that I should give this to him but I don't wanna face him, especially right now. After I took the charger out of my hand and places it in my other hand.

I got up and walked up to his desk. He was clearly on his phone so I thought it was a good idea to put it on his desk slowly and quietly.

"Callieeee" he said in a high voice to try to annoy me. "Hi Parker" "so your the one who had charger" "nope not exactly it's a long story" "I can listen" he said grabbing my hand. He did little things like this all of the time but I don't think we're moving forward which makes me kinda upset.

"You left it at Hunter's" "I know I'm messing with you cutie" "I was gonna say" "I know that everyone passed the charger along to you since everyone was too lazy to just give it to me". After the be rang "we'll talk later" "okay" I said letting go of his hand.

After the rest of the day went normal until 7th period since we had to go to a stupid assembly. Our teacher quickly took attendance and escorted us to the auditorium. The only friend I saw was Blake and he was in my class, but we haven't talked so I don't wanna sit with him.

As soon as I got in the auditorium I sat down and looked at who I was sitting next to. On my left was Parker and on my right was Blake.

"Hey cal" "hi Parker" "we need to talk" "yeah" "hey Callie" I heard Blake say out of nowhere. "Hi" "we should hang out soon, I've missed hanging out with-" "so Callie what are you doing after school?" Parker asked cutting Blake off. I know that they are fighting for my attention but I kinda like it.

"Good Afternoon I'm Laurie Kennedy your class president. Today we will be talking about the annual junior ring dance as well as other activities leading up to senior year. First the ring dance will take place at boatside country club. This year's theme is midnight is Paris."

"Lame" Blake said "I know wasn't that our homecoming theme freshman year?" "yeah I think" "your right Callie it was" Parker said engaging in the conversation.

After Laurie just talked about what we can wear and what we can't, tickets, SAT's and other random stuff that no one gives a damn about.

After it was over the bell rang and I quickly went to my locker to get my stuff. "Hey" Blake said walking up to my locker. "Hi" "so I'm Serious about talking" "really?" "Yeah I miss my friend" "me too" I said giving him a hug. "Does Friday night work for you?" "Yeah, what about you" I said jokingly. "Lemme check my calendar" he said while still hugging me. "Be quiet" I said looking right into his eyes. "Well I gotta go but text me" "yup"

"Callie are you and Blake back together" Lily, julia, and Alex said coming up to me. "No why?" "We saw you hugging" julia said "and he looked like he wanted to kiss you" Lily added.

"Nope we just had our first full conversation since the time he stayed with me" "so are you gonna talk it out?" Alex added. "Well yeah but we're not getting back together so don't get any ideas" "fine" Lily and Julia said walking away.

"So are you sure you okay talking to him alone?" Alex said "yeah why?" "I just don't wanna see my best friend hurt again" "thanks, I know that he just wants to be friends again" "well I want that to work for you since you've seemed down" "have I?"

"Yeah you just haven't acted the same since you guys broke up" "well I can say the same about you and Austin" "ugh don't bring that up" "c'mon I know you still have feelings for him deep down" "you mean deep deep deep down" "keep telling yourself that" "oh I will"

"Cal I have a serious question though" "what" "do you think we're unhappy because we don't have guys in our lives like Julia and Lily?" "Good question, I have no idea" "I think that's it" "well I still think I need a break from guys, but at the same time I do miss having a guy to spend a lot of time with" "me too girl, me too"

"So what should we do?" "I think we need to put ourselves in the market"

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