The Party (Part 2)

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Callie's Pov
As time passed I kept thinking about the whole Blake situation. I'm upset because he thinks this whole situation is my fault. He didn't even give me a chance to fully explain, but it's not any of his business considering that it only had to do with Joey and I.

I was starting to put valuables in my room until I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the Door it was my brother.

"Hi Dylan" "Listen Callie I don't want to be here and I know you don't want me here" "well I don't want you to say it that harshly, but yeah I guess" "good so we're on the same terms, I'm gonna stay at Makenzie's tinight, then go back to campus, then eventually move into the apartment next weekend.

"Sounds good" "yeah just please don't do anything stupid, you can go to parties but don't throw any, even though you wouldn't" "yup" "I'll call you later" "okay" "okay bye" he said closing the door hesitantly like he was gonna come back but he didn't.

Now I've gotten rid of my 2 biggest problems, so tonight should be good.
At around 7:45 Matt, Carter, Trevor, Tyler, Jacob, and Anthony showed up. Carter brought the alcohol, which he stole from his Parent's liquor cabinet, Anthony brought a speaker and his old iPhone 6 to play music, and Trevor brought Cups.

While the boys continued to set up I got dressed and curled the ends of my hair. I want to look really great to show Blake what's he's gonna be missing. It's sad to know that he threw a great relationship out the window for no reason and that he will most likely still come and be with other girls.

I checked my phone and I had gotten many texts from lots of friends.

Alex- Are you and Blake okay?. I ended up getting the same text from lily

Austin- I heard what happened just let me know if you need anything

Mason- Did you and Blake break up? He deleted all of the pictures you had together on instagram.

Hunter- Thanks for last night, had a great time for the first time in awhile

Joey- let me know what you need for tonight

After I cleared all of the texts I just stared at my lockscreen of Blake and I and before I realized it I started to tear up. After I just threw my phone across the room onto the bed and proceeded to do my makeup before I made myself feel bad.

I don't know what I Did wrong to make him feel this way. I have so many thoughts racing through my head like "did he already want to break up with me?" "Did he think I was up to something whether it'd be with Hunter or Jacob?" Or "Did I do something that made him feel a certain way.

After I finished my make-up I looked at myself in the mirror. Callie Mitchell, you shouldn't be upset with yourself, he did it not you. You need to stay strong and be like the old Callie. If he doesn't want you another guy will.

As soon as 8:30 hit people started showing up. I'm most nervous about how many people are gonna actually gonna show up. I haven't thrown a party since freshman year and I didn't invite that many people and it was a new years party.

I made my way to the living room where people were already grinding up against each other, dancing, and making out with their boyfriends and girlfriends.

I continued to walk around until I found Tyler, Anthony, Jacob, and Carter. "Thanks for everything boys" "no problem Callie" Jacob said "anyway you wan a repay us?" Tyler said with a dirty look. "Shut up Ty" Carter said while Anthony attempted no to laugh but did anyway.

After I went to another room in my house and I noticed some girl who looked like a sophomore sitting on Blake's lap and playing with his hair. In that moment I felt like I was gonna be sick or pass out. Seeing him with other girls hurts me more than I thought it was going to. I just started at them until I heard a familiar voice.

It's just a little too complicated (Sequel to The Choice)Where stories live. Discover now