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I decided to go down to my sisters party after a few minutes of fighting alone over what to wear, I decided on a maroon long sleeves dress and my black converse​ cause frankly I sucked at wearing high heels. I brushed my hair and did a french braid that reached at the same level as my elbows and I headed down stairs.

The party barely started around 10 and already people were drunk and making out everywhere, surely it took me a journey just to reach the kitchen to grab something to drink.

The journey to the kitchen was long. Drunk, crazy, sex driven, assholes and wh*res literally stomped you everywhere. As the music blasted from Nickelback to Marshmello and twenty-one pilots don't get me started when they put Justin Bieber on. I mean don't they have good taste in music.

Nathalie was around the beer pong with Ashely as they started throwing the ball inside the cup to get the other person to undress, they laughed at each attempt as they failed at every try.

Red cups were passed everywhere with substance you wish they were alcohol. The smell itself made me cringe.

I got to the table to look at any substance that I was able to "drink" without the need of alcohol. But nothing. The fridge was now my leading goal. After I got the water which I know I'm totally lame but come on better safe then sorry, I made my way to the living room to enjoy some old David Guetta and yes they still play his music. When by surprise a people did not to docent thing to it from barfing to jumping drooling and boozing guess no one needs to sit on the couch.

"Hey baby wanna play pop goes the weesel but vise versa?" said a Drunk Richard to me in hopes of getting me into bed.

Great just great a drunk Richard who uses lame pick up lines just to get laid. I politely refused but that made him pin me against the kitchen counters and no one to help me get out of this situation. I've been down here for 20 minutes and already I'm being pinned for sex.

"Yo Richard Ashely's showing her girls again!" Someone yelled from another corner of the house.

Thank god for who ever that pervert was getting this drunk wierdo off of me was the best thing he could do.

I quickly decided that there was no way I'd stick around any longer so I headed upstairs to my room. And there he was, well sat. On MY bed Matthew Keagan. His was upon me as his eyes scanned up and down all the way to my shoes.

"Sorry". He said. "Just needed a place to relax that's all". He made himself comfortable on my bed as he played with my Natsu plushy I got from Comic con. "So you're gonna stand there or join me in bed Anna?" he looked at me with curious eyes as he said this, as if he was trying to analyze what answer i wold give.

I blushed. How does he know my name?, wait he's my sisters boyfriend, but how does he know its me when I look in the mirror? I look like a different chick like with curves and what not.

I started to make weird faces in the mirror which sent chills down my spine as I hear him laughing from the bed.

"Guess you'll stay standing then."

"N-no I mean si uhh yes! I'll sit down". Great Anna now you're an idiot. "Sorry you just took me by surprise that's all".

Keagan smirked, showing off the lovely dimples on his face, he arched closer to me and played with my braid. "Hey Anna has anyone...... touched you before?"

I blushed at his remark. "Of course they have my friends hug me all the tim-"

"No not like that." As he interrupted. "I mean "touch you" touch you I could teach you something like this". He planted his lips against mine and ran his hand up my thigh. He stopped suddenly and my face could have been very ugly since it felt and looked as red as a tomato. He bit my ear and gave me a peck on the cheek." Lets make that lesson one." Keagan left the room soon after leaving me with a wet pantie and a fast beating heart.

sex lessons From my sisters boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now