chapter 17

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You know how people say they can see red when their mad, or white when their dazed, black when their lost and pink when their in love.

At first I thought I saw pink, but all I saw was white when reality struck. And some people may blame me, trust me I know. When I saw black I didn't really have the help that I did have.

I was white while he was red... Anna

Nathalie POV

This ridiculous! Honestly at first I did it as a joke but who the hell would notice that they actually did it! I mean he's become distant and wouldn't tell me what's happening.
He should've let Austin get her instead of getting in their problem. I even tried getting it on with him but he still doesn't want me. I mean I AM his girlfriend! And this all happen because I spilled the beans.

A few hours ago........

"Come on babe! Why can't we do it again?"

"Seth. Ours was a one time thing, you know I'm still with Keagan."

He sighed and crossed his arms on his chest. "Keagan Keagan Keagan! That dip shit doesn't even value you! He has it going on with your sister and we all know that!"

"That's just rumor that I spread, Anna shouldn't even meddle in my problems she asked for it."

"That's just cold of you what would happen if that news spread around!"

"It won't unless you start talking, no one else knows about them and they better not. I trust you keep your mouth shut."

The door closed behind him as Nat left the room." Maybe Nat, trust is such a weak word for you."


"This suckssss!" Said Ashely exaggerating the "s". "I so wanna smoke."

"Don't go leaving yet Nat's about done with you know who upstairs." Said Rowen. She never looked up from her phone and who ever she was texting to she meant to meet it in private.

"I sorta feel bad for Seth you know. Trying to play it off with Nat, but she's just a hard catch."

"You feel bad for him?"exclaimed Rowen." Having a hottie boyfriend like Matthew Keagans! Shit I'd never see the daylight if I cheated on him."

"Doesn't he have a thing with mini nerd?"

"By the things that's been playing, he makes it too obvious."

Ashely twirls her long ginger hair and leans on the wall." Do you think he actually fucked her?"

"Where is this coming from?" Rowen stopped looking at her phone and focused for a few seconds at Ashely.

Her smile was plastered on her face as she got closer to the other girl and whispered close to her ear." It be a shame that rumor spread now is it."

"What benefits it?"

"An uproar. It'll finish the two Ramírez! Besides Nat can't have all the fun."

"What ever your doing I want no part in this." With that Rowen focusses her gaze to the phone and headed out the door.

"Maybe not you but I know someone else who wants too."


"Hey female Chucky, you have that lip bomb, I need it."

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