chapter 18

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Who to say this. I do deserve to not be in her life. After she got hurt because of me I panicked.

Why on earth did you interfere Anna? He was the one who started it all, and now I'm the bad guy people see. Maybe they don't see a brighter future to me then fucking up lives one after another.

I made my way home, no point staying in a place that I'm not wanted. Trusting my self conscious, we all need air for our selves.

The place was dead silent which was a very good sign. It was a mess outside and in, so while he was out I cleaned up the place.

The very guilt swirled in my stomach. It ached, why did I have to be this way? I was so fine as a child, I had the biggest smile and the brightest aura. Things changed. And here people say that change is good.

That's it's a sign. Or that changes happen for a reason.

After much cleaning I took all the garbage bags outside. The weather was a cold windy afternoon with the sky filled with gray clouds. My exact mood right now.


A soft voice came behind me before I got the chance to enter the house. I turned around, an older woman about 5'6 with light brown hair and bright blue eyes looked at me. She had a small luggage bag around her left leg.

Her hair was semi curled and she had it pind up in a messy bun.

I spoke quickly." Yeah?"

She rested her hand in her chest and breathed out a sign of relief. "Your so big! You almost look exactly like your father."

My eyes widened a little bit but relaxed quickly.
All I ever heard from him was how much I looked like my mother.

She quickly stiffen herself and spoke. "Do you know who I am?"

Well of course I know who you are. But now I'm wondering why your here.

"Yeah." I replied. "Your Christina. My mother. Now my question is, why are you here?"

"Can't a mother see her son?"

"The real purpose mom! You know if dad saw you hell would flame."

"I... I'm..." She sighed. "It's very complicated Matthew."

"What are you looking for? What do you want?"

Matthew right now I just need a place to stay. I know I haven't been a good mother, but I still want a chance to be apart of your life again."

"Do you honestly think I would just let you walk in into my life all over again! You left! For someone else! Now what's the real reason why your here?"

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose." Stalker."

"Stalker?" I questioned." Your being stalked?"

"No Matthew I'm doing the stalking it's the reason why I came back here!"

I obviously got my sarcasm from her.

"This still the dad problem!" I exclaimed.

"I know Matthew. But hear me out. I've gotten into a real mess with this guy I've even tried the whole change number and home thing. I can't call the cops because..."

"Because what?"

"He's... a married man."

"Glorious mom, that puts the cherry on this day."

"But mommy needs to leave her house for a while. And he already knows where I work where I hang I can't even ask for Darla for help. So I'm asking to hide in your room."

"This sounds so off."

She crossed her arm at her chest but her haze turned into a shocked one and she reached her hands on my face.

"Did your father do this?"

I froze for a second but gently brushed off her hands away. "No. Got it on a fight at school."

"Is the a real reason behind it?"

"Banged my ex girlfriends sister the other day, mate from the basketball practice didn't like it so he punched me."

"Serves you right." She said.

"I guess the Apple didn't fall far from the tree."

Night hit and the dark filled sky started to fall. I let my mom stay cause for once she reminds of you know ,me. The rain hit hard as I sat close to the window. He didn't come home tonight , but who cares. He never went home until that day.

My phone buzzed as I unlocked the screen a checked out who texted.

Richard: dude you ok? I didn't hear you till that 9;11 came.

Me: it's nothing.

Richard: heard anything about tiny Ramirez?

I scuffed. I actually wish I did.

Me: no. Boldozer of her dad threw me out. This time he could really call the cops on me.

Richard: man that sucks.

Me: funny thing is Avery was there and stayed there like it was nothing.

Richard: that dick was the one who started. Me and Seth joked about how he liked tiny one but didn't think it was real.

Me: this is bull I don't want to talk about it.

Richard: don't dodge anything keagan might get your face in any further shot. Heard coach has had enough of you.

Jesus fuck!

I slammed the phone down and quickly grabbed my sneakers and jacket.

Fuck I give if it's raining. I need to know if she's ok. That's all I want. To know if she's ok.

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