Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Mother." Rapunzel sneers, feeling nothing but hatred upon her mother's wrinkled face. She was not this old when she left last, she was sure of it.

"Rapunzel, how I've missed you!" The woman runs to her daughter to hug her, but Rapunzel just steps back.

Realization flashes on Gothel's face. Then amusement, then pain. She then tries another path with her daughter. "I was so worried!"

"I've been fine." Rapunzel snaps.

"Why did that nasty Peter Pan take you?"

That snapped something in the long haired girl. She looked upon her mother with such hatred that should not be possible for family. "He didn't take me, he saved me. From you."

"Darling, look what he's done to you! He's put these ideas in your head that you could possibly hate me! He's made you so bitter!"

"He didn't put them there, you did." Rapunzel forced herself to push away every piece of guilt she felt. The memories of her mother helping her in sickness tried to make herself into her head, but she wouldn't allow them to affect her. It's been a lie, always been a lie. To keep in her in that rotten tower. "Tell me why you've forced me to stay in that tower for so long."

Gothel looked appalled at the question. "Why, because I love you, of course."

"That's crap and you know it." She snaps, nothing but hatred for the life she has had to lead filling her. "Tell me the truth."

"Rapunzel!" Peter's voice yells from a distance away.

"Don't answer him." Gothel warns.

"And why shouldn't I?" Rapunzel sneers.

"Because I need to talk to you." Her mother says, her eyes wide. "I really do love you."

"As if I am something you have won. You've never treated me as I am your daughter." She then turns her head and yells out- "Peter!" as loud as she can.

"Do you honestly think he will ever love you?" Gothel asks quickly, knowing that her time is running low. "He could never love someone as pathetic as you."

Rapunzel laughs at her, yet it still hurt a little to hear the words. "You're wrong."

"Prove it."

She shakes her head at her mother's voice in her head repeating that he will never love her again and again. "And how do you expect me to do that?"

"He is uncapable of love, Rapunzel. Get that through your thick skull."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Ah, but I do." Gothel smiles at her daughter. It was then Rapunzel saw how her teeth were yellowing and some have fallen out. "You don't know much about Neverland, do you?"

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