Chapter 34

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sorry for the wait

but hey i'm free

(ya i wrote this on the forth of july not changing it)

(ya i wrote this on the forth of july not changing it)

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Chapter 34

"Watch this." Rapunzel says, holding up a pebble. "What do you see?"

On the front of the boat, Rapunzel sits. It is just a small boat, enough to fit the people necessary to come. Baelfire sits as far away as he can from his father, and his father sits with hands and legs tied. The girl knows full well that if he wanted to get out, he would have by now. On the left and right side sit Tinkerbell and Ariel, both rowing the boat. Only feet behind this boat, is the boat with the other family members. They stare up to her with confusion and anticipation. Rapunzel knows how much it is killing Ariel not to be in the water, but it is toxic at the moment.

"A pebble." Baelfire says incredulously.

"Wrong." She sighs, then looks to Rumpelstiltskin. "What do you see?"

"I see you trying to pass time while I have to go and do some magic trick with my grandmother."

Rapunzel shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "I'm serious. We only have little time before we get to Skull Rock and you need to learn this." So she holds it up again. "Try again."

Baelfire looks at it for a few seconds before saying, "It's kind of in the shape of a heart."

"You're looking too closely." She scolds. "The more you look, the less you see. What is it?"

"It's a damn pebble!" Rumpelstiltskin yells. He still does not get up or tries to leave, though.

"What else?"

"Wait." Baelfire says, holding his hand out. She smiles and drops it into his hand. "It's a small rock, isn't it?"

"What?" Rumple hisses. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"Exactly." Rapunzel smiles, taking the rock back. "It's a pebble, but it is also a small rock. And that, is the kind of logic you are going to need for this."


"Let go!" Henry yells, trying to pull off of Malcolm's hold. "I know what you're going to do with me!"

"Do you?" He laughs dryly, with such a sarcastic smile on his face. "And how do you know that?"

"Did your dad leave you too?" Henry asks, pushing Malcolm away so hard he stumbles. "Is that your issue? That you're alone?"

Malcolm flinches softly, but enough for him to see. "Shut up, Henry."

"No. You know your dad is alive, right?"

"Henry, you need to shut up!"

"He's the shadow! And once you go through with this, he's going to be gone forever!"


"Your whole family is still alive! What are you trying to succeed with?!"

"I don't want family!" Malcolm screams, pushing the young boy to the floor. "I want power! And if I have to kill my great grandson and my father to get it, then so be it!"

"arbre généalogique." A whisper finally comes. Henry smiles once he recognizes the voice. It keeps on going, repeating the French it had said once.

Rapunzel comes out of the shadows with a stick. The young boy takes a step out of the way and Malcolm tries to move as well. But he can't move anymore.

"What is this?" He snaps to her. But she keeps on repeating arbre généalogique as she draws lines on the dirt. It takes her seconds more until all of the lines are drawn out.

"Henry, stand at the bottom." She tells him. Above that, she moves Neal across from Emma.  In far way from Emma she stands Regina.

"What are you doing?" Malcolm yells.

But the term was only repeated. French was the only way she knew she would draw Peter Pan. Reseemble à une fleur mais... Arbre généalogique...

Above Baelfire stood Rumpelstiltskin. In the place next to him, she dropped a small rock.  Above Emma, stood Snow White and then Charming.

"Stop!" Malcolm screamed, trying to move from the spot. At the moment all he wanted was power yet he has none at all.

Next to Malcolm, she dropped a small rock. Two more were dropped above Mila's small rock. And then four were dropped above Snow and Charming, two for each. Then again, two on top for each of them.

Until above Malcolm. She stands in her specific spot, then puts her hand out about to put down for Peter Pan's spot.

Then a hand grabs onto her wrist.

If she could call it a hand.

"Hi." She whispers, looking up into the yellow eyes that have nothing in them.

She hopes for more emotion. She hopes his skin flickers back to the look she loves so much. But, all he says is "Arbre généalogique." and stands in the spot next to Rapunzel.

"What now?" Regina growls.

"Family tree." Pan whispers. "Arbre généalogique. This is our family tree."

Henry smiles wide and turns to Malcolm. "Family is power."

Translation, if you didn't understand :

Arbre généalogique - Family Tree ((french))

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