Becoming the Seventh member

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"That's it! Turn into your Bakugan form." Professor Clay laughed evilly "Mira... Why haven't you saved me yet..." I groaned in pain. Suddenly, a boy with a red cloak and a mask came up to me and took me down "Don't worry. You're safe now." I passed out and my body became limp. When I woke up, I woke up to the same boy with the red cloak and the red mask "Oh good. You're finally awake." I groaned in pain "You-you saved me. I'm very thankful. My name's Angel." He smiled "I know who you are. My name is Spectra Phantom. I'm the head of the Vexos. I want you to join us Angel. When you fully recover, I want you to be the seventh member. I'll give you a mask to hide your identity so the others don't know who you are. You'll be known as the Dark Angel. Your partner will be Darkus Leonids." Spectra took out Leonids "Leo! It's so good to see you again." Leo went onto my shoulder "It's good to see you too old partner." Spectra gave a confused look "You two were brawling partners?" I smiled "Yes, we were. On earth, I was the second best Darkus brawler and the master of all attributes. Leonids can change into all the attributes." Spectra smiled "I'll leave you two be. Get some rest Angel." I smiled at Spectra as he left "Leo, I miss Dan and the others. I want to see them again. I just hope that Dan hasn't forgotten about our relationship." Leo floated up to my face "I bet he didn't. He loves you Angel." I smiled "Thanks Leo."
~One year later~
"Volt, I'm supposed to go with you and Lync to check out the human that arrived." He rolled his eyes "Fine. Get in." I went into the ship. When we arrived, I got out of the ship and saw Drago, Dan and Marucho "Dan... It's really you.." I then looked at Volt "I'm battling with you Volt. I need to settle something with that boy." He nodded. "The vestals think they can just waltz in and take what they want?! They'll have to go through me. You hear me!" Lync then spoke "We heard you. But what are you going to do about it." He laughed  "Just who I was looking for." Dan got angry. I looked at Dan and cried. Luckily, I had my mask on and no one noticed. "You better go back from where you come from!" Dan yelled "Oh ya?" Volt laughed "Don't underestimate Dan and Drago! They're the best brawlers in the universe!" Marucho piped up "Oh ya? Let's see about that." I went in front of Volt and took out Leonids. Dan saw Leo and walked forward "Angel?! How could you side with them!" I looked down "I'm not Angel. I'm Dark Angel and the seventh member of the Vexos. You ready to brawl or not? Oh wait, you don't have gauntlets." Dan got confused "What's a gauntlet. Ba!! Who needs them. All I need is my partner Drago here." I then spoke to Drago telepathically "Drago, it's me Angel. You need to understand why I joined them. I'm actually doing this to infiltrate the Vexos. I'm sorry."

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