Poll Announcement

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Hey guys so I have polls over on my tumblr so my followers can give their opinions on what they want to read next on my blog/on here. If you would like to give your opinions the link to the poll is this: https://goo.gl/forms/5dRwbfpJvuQ8RVq72 (Will also be posting it in the comment section) But to get a sense of what the poll is here are the results from Decembers poll:

December 2016

For You (Barry Allen x Reader)

Forget Me Not (Barry Allen x Reader)

Pretty Bad Guy (Leonard Snart x Reader)

Scarlet Speedster and his Speed Racer (Barry Allen x Reader)

Happy (Grant Gustin x Reader)

Hot Headed (Barry Allen x Reader)

Future What Now (Leonard Snart x Reader)



Due to it being the holiday season, some of these might be pushed back so I can write some holiday imagines. I am hoping to do 12 days of ficmas so if anyone has any holiday requests feel free to send them in, so far these are the requests I have. If I get more than 12 I will be posting holiday oneshots throughout December. These do not have a certain order for when they will be written/posted. If the request is crossed out it means that it is written/posted if it's been written but not posted that means that it is being held for the 12 days of ficmas.

1) Leonard Snart x Reader. Where the reader is a Meta and part of team flash has gotten/made a christmas gift for him and Leonard is all like "I told you not to fall in love with me." as a joke and the reader says "Haven't you realised yet I don't ever listen to what you tell me?" and Len is just floored by the idea that she basically admitted she loves him.

2) Iris and Joe shipping you and Wally so they set up mistletoe everywhere so you guys kiss

3) Lisa, Leonard and Mick owe Barry a favour, so he asks them to play Santa and his little helpers for your kids. And even though they think of it as ridiculous, they do it, so they don't owe him anything anymore. In the end, when you had a good laugh and the kids are in bed, you offer them some cookies and drinks... And it isn't that bad anymore.

4) barry and y/n have a crush on each other and then everyone makes them kiss under a mistletoe?

5) mick x reader you're in a pre-established relationship and he is asking snart what to get you for Christmas because we all know mick is a big teddy bear

6) Caitlin snow x reader were they are spending Christmas together and are putting up the tree and decorating it and it's fluffy and they drink hot coco then the reader ends up confessing to Caitlin they love her.

7) BarryxReader Snowball fight in a park and barry doesnt use his powers so reader and him have a fun then afterwards they go to jitters for hot chocolate

8) Could you please do one were the reader and Cisco go Christmas shopping for everyone, while secretly buying gifts for each other.

9) Earth-2 Harryx reader they went back to Earth-2 with him and Jessie. When they are there, the reader gets kind of homesick, so Harry tries to make Christmas better for them

10) Iris x reader where they go ice skating and the reader doesn't know how to skate so they keep falling and Iris is skating around like a pro and jokes with the reader about the fact they fell then holds their hand and keeps them steady skating.

11) Cisco imagine for the holiday themed ones? He creates a machine (similar to the cold gun) which freezes a whole lake, when it's not cold enough to get frozen on its own. He couldn't spent Christmas with the reader bc he had to help the team so he makes it up by preparing a romantic date. He decorates the lake with lights and stuff, so they have their private ice skating rink. There's a warming fire on the side, hot chocolate and maybe a bench w blankets.

12) BxR christmas is a bittersweet time for reader. Barry comforts her, admits his feelings for her, (Long request:paraphrased)

(This isn't the whole page but this is the gist of it)

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