day 3 | An unforgettable evening part II

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》He took my hand and we went on a bar. At the end of it was a small platform, where a small table, two chairs and a lot of candles stood.

It was incredible. It looked like something out of a fairy tale.

Still lauras p.o.v

He led me to the table, moved a chair aside and asked me to sit down.

Then he sat down too.

"Felix I have a guestion."

"Yes?" He said a little confused. "Why you choose me? Why not one of the thousand other pretty girls?"

He was silent for a moment.


If I could build a girl,

I'd build her just like you."

"Felix." I tried to say, but only a gentle sound came out of my lips.

A tear rolled down my cheek. A tear of joy.

"Oh laura" He smiled, stood up, wiped my the tears away gently and took me in his arms.

Then he looked at me and we grinned.

"Are you hungry?"

"I'm always hungry."

I replied and we had to laugh.

Three guys came along the ridge. It was Oscar, Omar and Og. Oscar and Og each had a plate in his hand and placed it in front of us. Meanwhile, Omar gave us grape juice in wine glasses. I had to laugh because it looked like real wine.

The boys said goodbye and left. There was köttbullar, fries and gravy, the only Swedish court that I know.

It was very tasty.

After we had eaten the guys came back and took the empty plate with.

It was still. You could hear the zirlen of crickets, the gentle rustle of the trees and the silent rippling lake.

It was so quiet that I thought to hear the flicker of candles whose light was reflected in Felix's eyes.

Felix stood up and knelt before me.

His eyes glittered so incredibly beautiful.
This Blue fascinated me. I can't describe it.
They shone like the blue water of the Maldives, like the most beautifulb blue sapphires in the world, like the sky on his best days.


"Yes?" I almost had to start crying again. I think my heart stopped briefly to beat.

"I've never seen a girl like you, your eyes fascinate me again and again, your gorgeous hair, your smile, when you smile, I smile. There are things in which we are so like us and others in which we are totally different. You have the same sense of humor as I do. That's what I love about you.

We just know us for a couple of days, but from the beginning I knew you're the right. "

He paused for a moment and wiped away my tears from my rose cheeks.

He reached into his jacket pocket

"laura, ... will you be my girlfriend?"

In his hand, he opened a small jar in which a ring was.

This time I was sure my heart stopped.

"Yes." I said full of joy and couldn't hold my tears anymore.

He took the silver ring on which a large, colorful shimmering diamond forming sat, put it on my finger and I fell into his arms.

"Felix, I love you, I love you so do much." I whispered softly as my tears dripped on his suit.

I couldn't think clearly anymore.


and don't forget to look at my instagram account, there you can find some pictures to the story @thefooomusic_germany

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