day 5 | the last present part I

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Stunned the others looked at me. "Honey" Felix said, sat down beside me and put me in his arms.

"Actually, you're right, but think about the good times, if you hadn't come to Sweden I would never met you and we would never had the most beautiful moments of our lives - together. "

I was so touched by his words. Tears rolled down my cheeks and my heart was pounding for it's life. But I found it a bit inappropriate to say Felix how much I love him now, because of Oscar. Nevertheless, I gave him a kiss.

"Do you think Maria might encounter anything?" I asked the others.

"Let she go first, later we can call her so to play it safe." Replied Omar. "Okay"

"What should we do now?" I asked.

"We can already lay down the mattresses and so on and then watch some movies." Ogge answered.

"We sleep here? You really thought of everything."

"Haha yes of course," Omar said and the guys brought from another room the mattresses and lots of pillows and blankets.

Nisaniye and I went to the bathroom and put on our pajamas, which the boys have taken for us.

"Uhh Laura, you and Felix are so cute together." Nisi said and pinched my cheek, like a little child.

"Now you know, why I had all those years no boyfriend. Only HE could be the right one."

A smile passed over her face and she took me gently in her arms.

"What is actually going on with you and Omar?" I asked with a twinkle in my face.

"Omg, Omar is so hot" she replied sheepishly with shining eyes.

"Come on sweetheart, let's go back to the boys." I laughed, I knew that she will like Omar.

The guys were just about cover the pillows and be sent back.

"So guys, which movie are we looking?" I asked.

Felixs holded up a box.

"I have alle the 'back in the Future' DVDs ."

I loved that films, I think I watched them ten times. But I still can watch them.

While the movies we talked a long time and laughed a lot.

I was about to fall asleep when Felix slid his hand under my T-shirt and played with the trailer on my bra. "Laura?"

"Yes sweetheart?"

The others were already asleep.

He tapped the screen of his i phone.

"Now it is 24.50 recently ten minutes, then your birthday is over. So do I have to give your gift now."

"Felix, this day was the best gift I've ever had. Being with you is all I need. Thou shalt give me any more, you've already done too much for me."

"No, no, come with me. "

He stood up, stretched out his hand, I took it and stood up too.

He led me outside.

"Sit down and wait a minute."

He said, I sat down and he went back inside.

After a few seconds he already came back.

He had a huge package in his hands. "Omg, Felix what are you doing?"

He put it on the floor and grinned. "Come on darling, open it."

I carefully opened the large, pink bow. The box opened by itself and colorful balloons flew towards me and disappeared into the dark night sky.

"Honey you're so cute!"

I fell into his arms and kissed him. "Go and look into it."

I looked in the box.

A stack of colorful envelopes layed on the floor.


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and don't forget to look at my instagram account, there you can find some pictures to the story @thefooomusic_germany

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