day 6 | let's go upstairs

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She thought for a moment, but then she kissed me. I was surprised.

It was an indescribable feeling.

"Omar, did I have done something wrong?"

In order to show her that I feel the same way as her I kissed her again.

"The pizza is ready."

Cried Laura and looked at us.

"Oh umm, just carry on."

She puts the pizza on the table and pushed the boys back into the kitchen.

We had to laugh.

Lauras p.o.v.

"What's going on?"

Asked Ogge confused.

"I think the two want to stay alone for a moment."

"Ah okay I think I understand."

Replied Ogge and we laughed.

"Let's us eating."

Omar said and grinned.

Felix put on some music on and we ate the pizza.

"Shall we now watch the film?" Asked Ogge when we finished eating.

"I'll get the popcorn and so on."

I wanted to get up, but Felix put his hand on my shoulder, so I sat down again.

"We make this. Omar, Ogge are you comming?"

While the guys went into the kitchen Nisaniye and I pushed the DVD into the DVD player.

The boys sat with the snaks between us and we started the film.


Felix's soft voice woke me up, I winced, I hadn't noticed that I'm asleep.

"Have I missed the movie? "

"No, no, honey, you're asleep at the end."

"Okay well haha. So what is treasure?"

"Shall we make something yet? "

"Although I am terribly tired, but clear. What do you want to do? "

"Let's go up."

"In your room?"

"Just come with me."

He held out his hand and helped me to stand up.

I turned around briefly.

"Where are Omar and Nisi?"

Only Ogge lay there asleep.

"I don't know, maybe they have gone out."

Quietly we crept up before we even woke up Ogge.

"Wait a second here."

Felix said and disapered behind the door at the end of the hallway.

I quickly took out my i phone from my pocket.

'Hey honey, are you with Omar outside? I hope you are well. Have fun. See you later. '

I typed in the keys and sent the message to Nisi.

"Honey you can come."

I went to him, he had brought the ladder for the attic down.

"Ladies first." he said, grinning.

I climbed up the ladder, he behind me.

Through a window we climbed on to the roof and sat on the pediment.

I held his hand and laid my head on his shoulder.

The view from here was so beautiful.

"I know I've said that too often, but I will not go."

I whined, watching the lights of the city.

"I don't want it too Honey. But it doesn't work otherwise."

"Yes, unfortunately."

"But I promise you that we'll meet again soon."

"I love you Sweetheart!" I wispered.

"I love you too babe!"


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and don't forget to look at my instagram account, there you can find some edits and pictures to the story @thefooomusic_germany ♥

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