day 4 | sleepover

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The guys went upstairs and Maria and I went into the kitchen.

We made popcornand contributed chips and drinks in the living room. The guys came down and we lay down on the mattress.

"Which movie we should watch?" Felix asked us.

"I don't know" said Ogge

"I don't know too" said Maria.

" Laura what is your favorite movie?" Omar asked me

"'Fuck yu Göthe' but the movie is only in German."

"Oh thats bad, you still remembering another movie?"

"Mhh ... I have to think, I always wanted to watch 'live of pie' "

"I think my sister got this movie on DVD, I look in her room, wait a minute"

Felix went upstairs and came back a few seconds later.

"I find the movie"

He jumped to the DVD player and pushed the disc in. After half an hour Felix slept in my arms.

*in the morning *

The sun warmed my skin, and shone in my face.

Slowly I tried to open my eyes, the sun's rays hidden me.

Maria also just woke up, the guys were still asleep.

We grinned at each other.

"Good morning," I whispered,

"Good morning. Shall we make breakfast?"

"Good idea, come we go to the kitchen" Careful, we got up, in order not to wake up the others.

We set the table and made breakfast eggs.

"Good morning sweeties" Felix came from behind to me, hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Uhh ... Breakfast" Omar sette immediately to the table.

Also, we sat down and we began to eat.

"And guys, what are we doing today?"

"Uh ... we have in the studio, if you want you two could go in the city." Felix said hesitantly.

Maria and I looked at each other and nodded. Yes, I nodded, though I noticed that something was wrong with Felix.

"Eh, we didn't ... " Omar could not finish his sentence.

"of course, we have to" said Felix.

"Let Omar finish his sentence!"

I angrily said.

" No" Felix replied annoyed.


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and don't forget to look at my instagram account, there you can find some pictures to the story @thefooomusic_germany ♥

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