Chapter 4 - God, Why?!

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Why. It deleted three hours of writing. WHyyyyyyyy

Y/n's POV

I flew up to the Heavens, God yelling profanities and screaming down at me. "See ya!" I yelled half-heartedly, knowing I may not even exist no more. I flew through a hole in the clouds, leading to God's office. I met an angry God up above, red faced and fuming. "I thought I told you to never communicate with the humans, to never show thy identity!" His advanced english gave up on him as he began speaking shakespearian. "I couldn't take being without them!" I screeched, piercing his ears.

He didn't respond, but only used magic to control my body. I was flung into the wall effortlessly and tossed to the next, becoming battered and bruised. "I- Need- Them! STOP!" I managed to break out of his power, flinging myself at him and throwing him into his desk, paperwork and files drifting onto the floor. "Thy shall follow my command!" He yelled, trying to control me once again. We danced around the office, lashing out at one another. "Mind Imperium!" Words slipped out my mouth and God's movements stopped, his face becoming blank. I stared for a moment, halting my violence. His breathing was calm and it seemed his mind was in another universe.

"God, you need to allow me to leave and stay in the Human realm!" I pleaded. He still looked emotionless, as if he were a buffering computer. "I shall allow you to stay on earth." His voice sounded almost robotic. "...God?" I moved toward him, as his stance remained unmoving. "I shall allow you to stay on earth." he repeated his previous language, still not moving. I began panicking, pulling the lever beside his desk and flying back down to earth.

I strolled around the neighborhood, ignoring the stares directed my way by startled people. I didn't bother retracting my wings, I couldn't care any less. Suddenly, a warm hand dragged me into an alleyway. A damp cloth was raised to my mouth and my vision began to fail, black spots glittering the corners of my eyes. I groaned, drifting to a deep sleep.


I woke up in a bed, almost identical to a hospital bed. White walls closed me into a bright empty room, the only objects existing inside being a bedside table and the bed I was on. Footsteps approached the door, a knock sounding before the door opened. A blue haired boy who seemed to suffer from acne came in, placing a glass vile of a mysterious blue substance on the bedside table.

"Hello, Y/n. I am Ethan and you're here because your friend dragged you here unconscious. I have mended you up, and I say you're free to go!" His voice was cheery and goofy and he seemed to answer all the questions I had for him. "UH, thanks." I said, watching him leave. I then realised he'd left the inky blue drink in my room. I shoved it into my pockets and rolled out of the bed, not fazing through the floor. I felt by back for my wings, but none were there and no halo hovered above my head.

I squealed in delight and ran into what seemed to be a lounge room. Charley handed Ethan a few notes before exchanging smiles and dragging me out. "Hey, how's things?" She asked me as we strolled down the street looking like normal people. Living people. "Great, just great. God let me go but he's acting weird. He isn't showing emotion no more and he isn't moving. He just stands there, breathing awkwardly." I said, inpersonating God. She laughed. "That man's been possessed or something. I can fix this, don't worry." She gave me a slip of paper. The words 'Nolite Mandata' were written in poor writing and a smiley face was beside it. "What's this? And why a smiley face?"I questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Chant those words to God and he'll be back to normal in a jiffy, mate!" She smiled, laughing. "If he's looking for you, why help me help him?" I asked another question."Ha! He won't find ME!" She laughed, staring up to the sky. "Okay. if you're Satan, then are you dead?" I giggled, seeing her face scrunch up. "I don't know, do I go around asking people to make false deals that end up making them give me their soul? I don't think so. I'm not Satan, I am related to that bastard." She laughed. "OH, I am Satan, wanna make a deal that ends up killing you and giving me your soul? HA! Just kidding, there's no choice!"She cackled in a raspy voice, impersonating the devil.

"Heus! Veni, puer!" A voice rasped from under us, Charley being enveloped in flames. "Bye, I guess?" I said, seeing her disappear in a cloud of smoke. "Now to go cure God!" I smiled, chanting the words. "Nolite Mandata!" I said, hearing thunder echo in the distance. What did I even say? God's voice echoed down to me. "What did you do?!" He yelled, disrupting the heavens. I shook my head, walking back to the mansion.

"Hey, Y/N!" Sophia greeted me. I did come back, after all! "Wassup, girl?" I laughed, walking inside. Everyone was back to normal, happy and goofy. "Hey, beautiful!" Charley stood up from the circle of people surrounding a bottle, walking toward Sophia. "Oh, hey-" Sophia was cut off by Charley shoving past her and walking to a watermelon sitting ontop of a countertop. "Come here often?" Charley then turned into a waterfall, sprouting out flirts and such. Sophia folded her arms. "So I'm not good enough for you?!" She joked, yelling dramatically. Charley directed her attention to Sophia. "What, of course not! I loooove you~" She giggled, hugging Sophia. "Love you too~" Sophia purred, jokingly. 

"So... a demon. And a human. Together?" Craig stood up and approached us. I just stood by, watching. "Wait, WHAT?" Luke said, clearly pretending to take offense to Craig's words. I waved him off. "You better watch your words, boy." Charley didn't release her grip on Sophia. I thought they were joking? "Just know I can run pretty fast, big bro. Watch yourself." Sophia said. "Why do you guys take offense to that?!" Craig yelped. We laughed, and I started feeling a presence behind me. "Hey~" Tyler purred from behind me, resting his chin on my head. I smiled, turning around and hugging him.

I heard uncomfortable kissing sounds and looked toward Chaphia, seeing them jokingly, fake kiss. I laughed uncontrollably and watched everyone gag. We calmed down, separating and moving away. "I missed you, you know?" He kissed my cheek. I gave him a big smooch on the lips. "Hey, lovebirds! Wanna play truth or dare with us?!" Evan yelled from the little circle that everyone had formed. Silent and Bryce were the only two sitting out. "Sure, I guess?" I sat down between Sophia and Cartoonz, ready to play.

Well, here's something I need from everyone. Dares and Truths, please? Anything, I'll take it! Make truths and dares for me to use in the next chapter, please. I hope you enjoyed reading chapter four! :D

Word Count: 1199 words.

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