Chapter 9 - Caution...

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I listened to Charley intently while I heard weapons being sheathed. "... And when that light happened, and everyone was blown back, I felt myself be dragged away by Ohm and ported to dis room. I feel quite numb. I know the way out, but I'M CHAINED TO THE WALL!" She yelled, trying to get out of the chains. I touched one and attempted to help, but they were burning hot. Like, lava hot. Then again, she's a demon, so I guess she can't feel it?

"Well, go over to the door and try to enter the code. It's... um... my birth Date?" She looked confused for a moment. "I just realised the code was my birthday. It's 14/02. Valentines day." She hinted to the door, and I pressed my ear against it. "I forgot the code...." I heard someone say. "Yep. Great job. You killed Y/n. And Charley's probably dead, too. Where's she, anyway?" Another voice said. "CHARLEYYYY, NUUUUUU" Someone squealed. I rolled my eyes. "The code it 1402." I said, hearing beeps in response.

The door began to rise, opening like a garage door. I saw grey shoes, white socks, blue jeans and then a grey jumper. A strangely familiar scarf was on a brunette boys face. ".. Ohm?" I tilted my head in confusion. "When did you get here?" I asked. Everyone stared at me. "Um... guys...?" I was now above the confusion limit, now just concerned. I then felt the warmth surrounding me. I saw the sword glowing. "Charley?" I called out for her. "I'M CHAINED OTHER THE WALL HERE, WOMAN!" She yelled back. At least she's still alive. I Think?

I noticed the world had a golden tint to everything now. Cool. "GUYS AND GIRLS LET'S GO!" I snapped everyone out of their trance. "Without your GUIDE?!" Charley whined. "We have Ohm now. BYE!" Sophia called out to her. "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED MEEEEEEE" She screeched as we walked away. Soon after we had taken three steps away from the door, a loud explosion came from the room. Smoke blew up in our faces and we coughed. "Charley?" The smoke cleared and she was nowhere to be found. "I EXPLODED HER. NUU" Sophia dramatically dropped to her knees.

"I'VE COME TO HAUNT YOU. OOOOH~~" Charley giggled. "Aren't we finding the Satan Guy?" Luke asked. "(Gasp) You haven't met our leader, Lake? He's hells Prince!" Mai yelped. "Let's go." Ohm and Charley lead the way, constantly exchanging glares. "Douchenuts." I heard someone say. I turned around to Wildcat, seeing him looking over at Delirious and Mini. They were arguing about something. "MINES BIGGER!" Jon yelled out. "Wanna Bet?!" Mini yelled, reaching down to his pants. UM WHAT

"MINES TOTALLY BIGGER!" He yelled, holding up his phone. "Aww, shucks man. You're right. The population on your town is bigger." Jonathon sulked. I pulled that out of context, I'm not going to lie. "I thought you guys were talking about you're--" I was cut off by Charley. "We're here, now be silent unless told to speak." She warned, swinging open two mighty doors.

The room we were now standing in was huge, a fiery throne room. Three seats were empty, the only one having someone in it was holding a man with ram horns. He wasn't too tall, just around Charley's height. He had dark brown hair and really dark eyes, almost having the brown unseen. "Oh hey, sis. Wat's Up?" The guy stood up, and he was quite tall. Intimidating wasn't the right word, though. He looked cool, calm and collected.

"Hey. Um, my friend here needs to be brought back to life. Help, please?" She spoke calmly to the guy who called her his sister. "Is that Satan?" Lui squeaked, pointing to Charley's new-found brother. "No, I'm God. Of course I'm Satan!" He laughed, Charley signing 'NO' rapidly behind him. He isn't that bad, RIGHT? "Well, whos dead?" He asked us. I put my hand up. "Well, I must say you're quite adorable." He pet me.

I heard Tyler growl under his breath, barely audibly. "Well, child, who are you?" He asked me. "Um.... Y/n, sir." I said, immediately realising why Charley didn't want us to get him mad. He pulled out the largest sword I had seen, holding it to his side. It was fiery and probably could turn someone to ashes with a single touch. "Well, to prove your worth, you shall duel with me." He twirled his sword in his hand as if it were nothing. "Meet Incinerator, my most prized possession. Knock it out of my hands and you win." He smiled.

I pulled out my sword, feeling the enchanting magic swirl through my body. It glowed and enlightened the moody atmosphere. He stared at me, transfixed. "I see you are the chosen one." He spoke firmly, no longer so calm. He looked worried and intimidated. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Only the chosen one can wield the sword without going up in flames." He smiled. I shrieked, throwing it across the room. He laughed. "Well, no need to fight. Unless you really want to, that is." He smiled, the calm tranquility returning to his face. I ran over to the sword, picked it up and rushed back to him. "Can I test it on You?" I raised an eyebrow.

He looked away for a moment. "Um... okay, fine. If I turn to dust then it's your. Fault." He stated before swinging the sword. I dodged and motioned for everyone to stand back. They did so, Charley being the only one to hesitate. I swung the sword at his neck, seeing him dodge easily and swing at my feet. I jumped up and over him, landing behind him. I held the blade to the back of his neck. "Did I Win?" I adopted a smug look on my face. I felt to overconfident, and he used it to his advantage. He ran forward, flipped and landed behind me, and I felt the heat of the blade at my neck.

"It depends," he lowered his sword, shoving it in the sword holder on his back. I did the same. "Fun." He smiled. "I'm known as Triple. I don't know why, but whatever." He smiled, shaking my hand. "Why Triple?" I asked. "I told you, I don't know. Charley's known as Six, if it helps." He pointed to Charley. "It's because we're Satan, Moron!" She yelled. "What?" I was generally confused now.

"I'll provide you with an explanation." She took a deep breath. "You see, one of us had to take the throne as Satan. We don't know who, but I hope he gets it. Our father is Satan, his real name is Jason. My brothers real name is Taj, as weird as it may sound." She said, taking another breath for air. "Satan is the king of hell, and we're thinking of making a heck, where it's bad, but water and not fire. it's weird." She finished.

"All well, follow me, Y/n, and I shall grant you everlasting life." Triple mused, taking my hand and dragging me away. Tyler constantly glared at him. FINALLY I GET A LIFE!


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