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I don't know the word for a third book ;-;

So.... you may be thinking....
That's what your thinking, isn't it? Well... TOO BAD!

You see, even though you may want it.... you think I want it? Yes. I do. But unfortunately, I made already two books on this and I don't want A THIRD. Instead, I'm gonna make a thing that is the thing that is the um.....

*forgets script*

Oh yeah! Uh... I'm gonna make a little thing. I still Donno what's the thing called....

*after a few hours...*

Well, I didn't discover what it's called, but it's describable. So, I'm going to make one little thing where it sees into how you and Tyler person lives today. Okay. Now I can breathe. So... here it is! Enjoy, my faithful reading buddies!

Y/n's POV

I sat in the car, sighing and resting my hands on the wheel. Being stuck in traffic with two children in the back seat isn't the most stress relieving thing I could be doing. I could be stalking Tyler on Twitter or something, but no... I guess I should introduce them.....

There's Phe, the youngest with short, golden hair and e/c eyes. She's a little twerp to take care of, and she gets along with Oblivion too well... They constantly fly around the house and terrorize the other children.

Then we have Oliver, the only brother. He has h/c hair and e/c eyes, looking mostly like me. The only thing he has in common with his father is the gender, unfortunately. He is the smartest and nerdiest, always playing video games and he is non-stop bugging me.

Last, and oldest sister, we have Olivia. She is only older than Oliver by two minutes, having all her father's features. She loves being around him, and constantly asks to  over in with him. (This is the part where the story completely derpy becuz I don't wanna do this.)

Yeah, you see, after I found out Tyler was in love with another, we divorced. He.... I found him with the other, having a secret affair. He got with them after the divorce. You may be wondering who he's with right now....

'They aren't even human' I kept trying to get through to Tyler. He was sent to an insane asylum a year after our divorce, as he was in love with an intimate object. The mirror. He's such a hypocritical fuckcheese, I can't even imagine......

WHERE DID MY MIND GO?! I DIVORCED Y/N AND TYLER AFTER THEY HAD THREE CHILDREN, MADE TYLER GO FOR HIS OWN REFLECTION AND THEN HAVE HIM GO TO AN INSANE ASYLUM. this proves how much I don't wanna write a third book. Sorry, guys and girls. Mostly girls. :/
Word count: infinity

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