Chapter 22 - Marriage..... FINALE FOR REALZIEZ

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Y/n's POV

"WHAT DO I DO?" I yelled as Annabelle and I went out to find a dress. Far out, I'm getting married. I'm getting married. At least it's to the one I LOVE! Heh.... what if I mess Up? "HEY! Don't yell, you'd draw attention." Annabelle whispered. I huffed and trotted behind her. "I've never gotten married before." I hissed, grasping her arm. "What if I die on the thing?" I paused. "What?" Annabelle raised an eyebrow. "Nothing. I'm just.... scared? Nervous?" I whimpered.

"You'll do great. I haven't seen anyone as graceful as you." She smiled. I rolled my eyes. I imagined the time a week ago when we came back from the Chinese New Year Party, falling on my face and jazz. "Yep. Soooooooooo graceful." I pouted. "We won't force you to wear high heels or something. The dressmaker will do that for us." She smiled.

"Girls, we're back!" Charley yelled, Sophia and Mai walking beside her. "Yailyn and Silent will be here shortly." Mai spoke softly. "Anyway, what's with the planning? I mean, your wedding is tomorrow." Sophia asked. "I don't know." I pondered. "Hey! I don't get It! I wanna be the honor attendant!" I heard yelling in the distance, coming from a familiar purple haired girl.

"I'm sorry, the bride has to chose." A formal, British voice spat back at her. "Not fair." Yailyn mumbled. "Hey, Yai? He's right." I ran up to her. She huffed. "I wanna be the honor attendant. It's not fair." She huffed. "You can be the flower girl." I said, hearing her sigh. "Fine." She folded her arms in a huff.

"Hello, you must be the bride." The British guy stated, bowing. "Come, we shall find a fitting dress." He smirked and lead me into his shop. The girls followed behind me, staring at each dress we walked by. None really seemed to catch my eye. Until I saw a special one, one that seemed perfect. (Use your imagination. I'm not choosing your dress for your special day.)

"I want that one." I pointed to it, seeing the man halt in his tracks. "Are you Sure? I mean, you haven't gotten to the rest of the things in store." He fumbled with his fingers. I nodded, pulling out a credit card. Once we paid, I left. Now I have to set roles for these children.
"Girls." I began, having them ignore me for a while. "GIRLS!" I heard them yelp at my raised voice.

"I need to set roles." I began. "So here's how I believe I want this to go. Yailyn, you're the flower girl." I said, hearing her huff. "I wanted to be the honor attendant." She muttered. "Mai, Sophia, Charley, Annabelle, and Liza can be bridesmaids." I heard a groan from Charley. "I have to wear a dress, don't I?" She groaned. "Only for you, Y/n." She smiled at me.

"That means I can get the Maid of Honour to attend with an invitation." I smiled. I wonder how Tyler's planning his side of the arrangements.

"So, I can choose the outfits for you guys? And the roles?" I questioned. The guys nodded. "All I need is a tux, so I wanna give out the roles." I took out a checklist. "I need a... a best man, some groomsmen, and a ring bearer. Great." I muttered. "Jake, ring bearer." I began. "Everyone else can be groomsmen." I said. "Who's the best man?" Mini asked. "You'll see." I smiled.



"AAAAAAH!" There was no need to try to hide it, I was terrified. Nervous, terrified and worried. "Be quiet." Mai hushed me as she applied makeup to my face. "Sorry! I'm nervous..." I muttered, taking deep, calming breaths. "You're gonna get through this!" Jake yelled beyond the door. "Go away, Brother!" I yelled back. I heard him trot away.

"Done! Put on the dress." Mai smiled. "Why do you do makeup, then the dress?" Charley asked. "So the makeup doesn't go all over the dress." Annabelle explained. "Oh." Charley mumbled. "Now what?" I slid the dress on. "You look beautiful." Sophia complimented me. I nodded, looking in the mirror. "I'm Gorgeous!" I smiled. "Thanks, Girls!" I smiled wider. "I don't do anything but sit in the corner and suffer with this dress." Charley rolled her eyes.

"Well, your suffering helped." I laughed. "And the veil." Mai lifted the veil over my face. "All these emotions lie beyond this mask." I posed dramatically. "Hahahah! Anyway, let's get this show on the road." Sophia clasped her hands. Suddenly, a wave of emotions began to drown me. I was nervous as heck, and I can't help it.

Tyler's POV
I watched everyone walk down the aile, fining into the seats. My stomach churned and my heart beat quickened. My mother waved at me, and I waved back. I felt so many emotions overcome me, but I washed them away with confidence. I can do this. Y/n is probably nervous too.

I then saw Y/n in a beautiful wedding dress. The veil covered her beautiful face, and I longed to unravel her face from the cloth covering it. She faintly smiled, from what I could tell, and I smiled back. She slowly walked up to us, all the participants around us staring in awe. Not only were ether transfixed, but I was too.

She made it up to me, standing in front of me and staring me in the eyes. I stared back, unmoving. "Dearly beloved, we gather here today to...." my heart rang in my ears, blocking out the officiants words. My heart was racing at supersonic speed. My stomach acted as a dry cleaner, washing around and mixing up the feelings in my gut. I was nervous, but I tried best not to show it.

Finally, the vows. I was typically a nervous wreck aside from the confident shell holding it all inside. I was the first to speak the vows. "I promise to be your lover, companion and friend, Your partner in parenthood, Your ally in conflict, Your greatest fan and your toughest adversary. Your comrade in adventure, Your student and your teacher, Your consolation in disappointment, Your accomplice in mischief. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things. All things." I breathed.

Y/n smiled, beginning her vows. "You have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confidant and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible... You have made me a better person, as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life. So I am truly blessed to be a part of your life, which as of today becomes our life together." She took a deep breath.

A few moments passed, people playing their respective roles, and finally we were given the rings. "With this ring, I thee wed." Y/n and I spoke confidently, losing all worrying or nervous thoughts. "I now pronounce you... husband and Wife! You may kiss the bride." The official smiled.

I lifted the veil covering the beautiful bride infront of me and smiled. She was truly perfect, and this moment couldn't have been any better. We kissed, for the first time being a married couple. Everyone cheered and laughed as we kissed as if nobody was watching, pulling apart for air. "I love you." She breathed. "I love you, too." I kissed her forehead. "NOW FOR THE WEDDING PARTY!" I yelled, picking up Y/n bridal style and running down the aisle. I ran outside, a giggling Y/n hanging by my neck.

This was the best ending to a lonely life. And the best start to a marriage.

But at the end of a book, will always be another. So... any ideas on what book to Make? Like, with who. Please. I beg of you. I need this. Please. Like, seriously. My life will have no meaning if nobody recommends another book.
Word count: 1389 words.

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