Chapter 8 - Satanism

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I took out the last of the red Knights. My hair was askew and I now had a red face. My breathing was rugged and I felt something surrounding me. I don't know what. It felt... light, bouncy and astounding, swirling around me and entangling itself in my hair. Charley was the only shocked one, it seemed. "Talk later." She said. I nodded. Marcel was practically drowning in his own tears. He was crying so bad that someone had to carry him. I had Luke do it, I don't think I could lift Marcel even if I tried.

We ventured onwards, now having a golden, emerald encrusted sword, leaving a glowing trail of light. Nobody noticed other than Charley, Luke and Mai. Well, the two others were glancing at it every every now and then. I ignored it, my goal to be getting to Satan or wherever we are going. I've forgotten. I didn't notice my teary face until Wildcat brushed the tears away with his thumb, rubbing my shoulder and holding my hand. Rest in peace, Silent. (NUUUUU)

We came across an empty golden throne, a red velvety rug sitting on top of it. Like everything else, a fiery ring surrounded it. Nobody else other than my friends and I were in the room. Vanoss stared at the wall, me seemingly not seeing anything. I peered closer and saw hearts enlarged into the wall, in all different colours. Evan glided his hand over an orange one, and I saw it glow for a second before it faded.

"Everyone, can you find a crystallized heart carved in the wall that corresponds to you and touch it? I know it sounds weird, but do it." I said, pointing to the wall. Everyone followed my command, the only people not having one were myself, Lui, Nogla, Sophia, Charley, Annabelle and Brock. Everyone else took a heart to touch and I saw them all glow, and resonate in a glorious light.

The people touching the crystals were enveloped in a light, and the bystanders such as myself were blinded by the light. Everyone was suddenly blown back by a strong force, the only two people still standing being me and Charley. She sat ordinarily, hands in her pockets and smirking. I blocked my face, shielding myself. I heard a creak of a door opening and the light stopped, faded from sight and I heard Mai screaming for her brother, misprnouncing his name once again.

We went to help everyone up and went onward. Charley seemed... different. A permanent smirk was planted on her face, and one eye was covered by her hair that seemed straighter that usual. She seemed... ODD? She was already odd, but she was a oddity now. Just more evil and unnatural. Maybe it's because we're in hell, but I don't believe that statement.

"In here, after you." She gestured to an archway, still smirking. It felt eerie, and I didn't trust her any longer. She shoved me through and I felt the door slam shut behind me. I shoved day body full force into the door, with no luck. Screaming and the withdraw of weapons was heard. No escape route was in here, and the only person in the room, was... Charley? Chained to the wall was the same brunette who ate all the salami, aka the real Charley.


Ha! Finally, out of my way... I think she might have figured it out just in time to be forever trapped in there. I'm not Charley, clearly, she ain't this handsome. "What did you DO?" I heard piggy say. I began laughing, ranging from an eerie giggle to a full fledged insane cackle. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" He repeated, harsher and louder. "HAHAHAH! YOU'RE ALL SO BLIND! You're friend, Y/n, is going to be forever stuck in there unless someone knows how to open it." I cackled. I whipped the atrocious wig off my face and took out the eye contacts, covering my eyes with my bandanna. My Devils horns and wings appeared and my brown hair sat neatly in my head. "OHM?" Luke growled, shielding an interesting looking girl behind him. Bryce unshiethed a sword, ordinary and simple. Flimsy, I'd say.

"Well, it's me, your best friend." I cheered. I saw Tyler pull out an AK and begin to load it, as did everyone else. I was honestly intrigued by the girl Cartoonz had behind him, maybe if I just...- I front flipped over everyone to the back, where the girl was. I took her hand and pulled out a blade, holding it to her neck. Her silver hair smelled nice, I must say. I heard her gulp. "I won't harm you, but act scared." I whispered into her ear. She began shaking and I saw her eyes begin to become glassy. She's a good actress, I also must point out.

"Well, who's this?" I asked the crowd of people, smirking. "... My sister. Now hand her over, and nobody has to get hurt." He snarled. "Well, let's make a deal, persay... an exchange." I smirked wider and glided the fake knife along her neck. Yes, plastic, fake, whatever you'd like to call it. It's not real, to say the least. It's a prop, I'm not looking to hurt anyone. "Depends, what's the Deal?" Tyler spoke firmly, like a true leader. Shame he isn't the leader, he'd be much better to reason with. "Well, the two girls in exchange of.... let's see... what do you have to offer?" I asked. I secretly rubbed the girls shoulder comfortingly, letting her know my intentions aren't to kill her. She didn't say or do anything, just stopped tensing.

"You're life." Luke growled. I pretended to ponder this for a moment. "How about, no... two lives in exchange for One? I don't think so." I twirled the knife in my hands, the girl in my arms surprisingly calm. "What do you have in mind, Then?" Evan spoke calmly. "How about... your Forgiveness?" I felt the look on my face go from intimidating to soft. I don't know why I wanted this, I just felt like it. "... What? After all you've done, you want us to forgive You?" Sophia looked as if she'd break, and I honestly didn't care.

"Trust me, Please? I can help you guys, I know my way around the place." I persuaded. They pondered for a moment before deciding. "Fine." They said. I let the girl go. I smiled and sincere smile. "Oh, by the way..." I bent the knife in half. "This is plastic." I said, earning scoffs in response. The girl laughed, though. I felt a smile plant itself on my face. Now to remember the code.... um...?

Yup. Oke. Hope you Enjoyed?
Word count: 1134 words.

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