Chapter 18 - Mission... or Painful Test?

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Y/n's POV
"I feel so Bad! Such drama over something so small..." I covered my head with my hands. "It may not be small. It could be something life changing." Annabelle smirked. "I-... Yeah, I guess... anyway, another mission awaits! I need Tyler again." I ran outside to Tyler, whom was having fun bathing in the sun. "Quick! EMERGENCY!" I screeched, making everyone panic and  scream. "Just Kidding! Tyler, need you to come with me! Let's Go!" I heard Tyler sigh as I dragged him to the car.

"What NOW?" He rolled his eyes as I his the gas pedal and sped away. (I know no knowledge on cars.) "Well, I don't know." I giggled. We sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of the drive, awaiting orders once we got out of the car, standing in front of the warehouse. "HAIII! Anyway, I need Tyler for a second." Aphmau dragged Tyler away without an explanation, and I didn't care honestly. It gave me time to think about the 'surprise' that Tyler planned for me.

"Okay! DONE! Y/n, come inside now." Aphmau called out for me. I skipped inside to see what looked like an obstacle course. "I wold like to test your capabilities. If you don't make it to the end in time, Jason will... actually, I shall keep it as a surprise." She smiled. What's with all the Surprises?

"SURE! How much time do I have?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Two minutes. GO!" Jess rushed me away as I began leaping over large acid pits and sharp saws with ease. I made it to a tight rope, but I didn't notice the large log tied to a rope swinging over my head. I was knocked off the tight rope and almost didn't clutch onto the tight rope once I fell. It snapped in half and I swung into a wall. I winced, beginning to climb up the brick. "One minute left!" Aphmau yelled out to me.

I shrugged and lifted myself up the wall, running to a large lever puzzle. I'm screwed. The levers opened doors, some leading to nowhere. I then realised I needn't to switch any of them, as a large gaping hole lead me to the next room. It was another parkour course. I breezed it and made it to the last room,  where I saw Tyler tied to a rope above a large lava pit.

"TYLER! What the heck, Aphmau?!" I yelled, trying to lead up to Tyler.  He was oddly silent, and didn't blink. I felt enraged, not hearing any of the yells around me. A burning sensation ran through my body and something stabbed the inside of my back, pain inducing and harsh. I ignored it and suddenly raised up to Tyler, tackling him and leaping down safely. It was only then I noticed the burning body in my arms. I screeched, tossing it in the lava pool.

The fiery pain washed away once I was doused in water and a fire extinguisher. "So if you accidentally set me on fire, you'd just kill me quickly? Gee, thanks." Tyler grinned, leaping down from a large podium built in the side of the wall. "What's going on?" I tilted my head, panting and sweating. "We wanted to test your skills, and when you saw your love about to die, you became infuriated and turned into something unexpected." Aaron leapt down after Aphmau.

"This is too confusing." I muttered, feeling slightly light headed. The pain in my back vanished and I fell to the ground, unmoving. "Y/n? Y/n wake up!" Somebody yelled, but it sounded muffled. The water beads began burning and I rolled around, screaming. It felt like I was on fire. The eyes of the people around burned holes into my body, and my heart felt like it was on fire.

"SOMEONE! Do SOMETHING!" Aphmau yelled, panicking. I heard a loud squawk and my baby Oblivion flew down, turning to a large fire ball. He enveloped me in the flames and I felt better, the world stopped spinning and my heart calmed down. He set me down and squawked, nuzzling himself in my arms. "Sorry, ol' Chap!" I smiled down at him.

"... You Okay?!" Tyler hugged me tightly. "Yup! All GOOD!" I giggled. "Never do that again. Be infuriated, I mean." He smiled, still enveloping me in his arms. "Of course." I laughed, pulling away. "Anyway, I wanna go home now." I pouted, leaping into his arms. "Bye!" I waved to Jess and Jason, motioning for Tyler to run out the door. He did so, throwing me into the car.

"I'm driving." He stated, turning the keys in the egnission  (Can't spell) and we drove off. "Well, can you give me hints for the surprise?" I batted my eyes, trying to look innocent. "And why should I?" He didn't look away from the road. "Because it's a thing that is possible and I want you to." I huffed. "Um.... I guess... its a huge impact on your life?" He said, sounding like he was asking me. "YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME!" I yelped jokingly. "No!" He laughed, shaking his head. "Not quite." He mused.

"Tell Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" I whined, shaking him by the arm. "I'm driving Here!" He yelped, making a sharp left turn. He halted at a stop light and I squealed, feeling the jolt of the car fling me out of my seat. Luckily I didn't fly out the windshield. "We're nearly home." He smiled. "Um... is the surprise... that... you're PREGNANT?" I gasped, trying to not choke on laughter. "WHAT NO! WTF Y/N!" He yelped, hearing the tires screech signalling we were home.

"Well, it would be a huge impact on my life." I crossed my arms. "Fine. Another hint. It will feel like you won the lottery. I hope." He looked away. "But that's all the time that I have with You!" I smiled watching his smile appear. "Well, this will be even better, then. I guess..." He trailed off. "Hey Lovebirds! We're having Pizza!" Sophia yelled from the window, almost falling out. It's a shame she yelled that out, as Charley ran up behind her and tackled her out the window. "AAAAAAH" She screamed while Charley just laughed. "I'm not paying for the hospital bill." I muttered, looking away as a loud thump echoed from Sophia and Charley.

Hope you ENJOYED? I GUESS? And I Hope?
Word count? 1078 WORDS?

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