Chapter 17 - Going as Planned... (SARCASM)

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WildCat's POV
I happily skipped up to the door, awaiting the arrival of Y/n and jazz. I cannot wait for tonight, it's going to be so much Fun! I heard numerous cars pull up and footsteps thumping on the wet grass. I smiled, seeing Y/n hip out of the car with Silent, seeing the job was well done. Silent was surely solid and living, I figured as much as Marcel was hanging off her neck like a prized possession. Only this prize was being clingy and touchy, Silent seeming discomforted.

Y/n seemed less happy, her faint smile dropping once I came into view. What's her Problem? I just went out and did something once in my life, to come back and have the love of my life disappointed in me. "You Okay, Y/n?" I smiled at her, seeing her eye twitch. She's a little angry, I presume. Great. This is why I never go out.

"Oh yeah, Perfect! Just, y'know, paranoia." She sighed. She avoided any eye contact with me, even in a reflection in the window. "What's gotcha all worked Up?" I questioned, slightly curious. Y/n mumbled inaudibly, unhearable and faint. "What?" I tilted my head. "Maybe because I think my BOYFRIEND might be CHEATING ON ME." She huffed angrily, beginning to walk away from me. I was having a mental battle of whether to explain it to her or let her calm down.

"Hey, why would I do that? I love you too much to try to hurt you." I rushed to her side, visible tears slipping down her cheeks. "Why did y-you change your Clothes? Why w-were you out for so-so long? And you l-looked so giddy..." She sniffed. I felt my eyebrows rise. Now that she mentions it, it does sound like that...

"No, no no.... Y/n. I went out and accidentally messed up my clothes. I had to go to the store to get clothes." I pulled out the receipt as proof, careful to show her the right one. "What were you so h-happy for?" She took deep breaths to calm down, letting me wipe the tears away. Everyone else went inside, not wishing to get caught up in the drama right now.

"I was so happy because... uh..." I didn't know how to make up a lie without her thinking I cheated on her. Because I didn't. "I was.... I was buying something! I can't tell you what, though! It's a surprise!" I booped her nose, telling a half-lie, half-truth. Her face brightened. "Seems realistic enough." She smiled, giggling soon after. "Sorry for assuming the worst." She laughed, hugging me tightly. "Hey, it's fine. I can see why you'd think that." I pat he read in a comforting manner.

We went inside, me earning slight stares of confusion and some of anger. I held her close, sticking my tongue out. "We get it, your territory." Luke mumbled. "Loki, don't be like that!" Mai giggled. "Yeah, you can be Thor. I'mma win, this time!" Luke tackled Mai, hearing her squeal. "Y/n, do you wanna go out to the local Chinese New Year Party with me? Everyone else will be there, but I want you to come as well." I smiled, rubbing the back of my neck. She nodded happily. "Does this have something to do with the surprise? I can't wait!" She squealed. I smiled, watching her run off into her room with the girls. All of them.

"Okay, guys.... I need help with something." I rushed down the stairs, almost falling face first into the shiny wooden floor. "What, earning Y/n's trust? You cheated man, I ain't helping." Jake pulled out his phone and ignored me completely. "I didn't cheat, I went out buying this!" I pulled out the black velvet box. "What, a Box? What For?" Lui tilted his head. "A ring, he's planning to propose, dumbass." Delirious rolled his eyes.

"Don't call my Lui a dumbass, douche bag." Nogla growled, cradling Lui in his arms. "Anyway, I need help. I haven't exactly done this before." I sighed, sliding the box back into my pocket. "We haven't gotten married yet, either. And you expect us to know." Evan rolled his eyes. "Well, can you help me be romantic and cheesey like in the romance novels or movies? I want it to be memorable." I ran my fingers through my hair, smoothing it down perfectly.

"Well, Tyler, once they set off fireworks, propose beforehand. It'll look cool when the fireworks go off in the background!" Mini suggested. "Or you could pay the firework managers to fire a cool message into the sky for her. I can pay." Charley slid down the stairs. "Weren't you upstairs with Y/n?" I pointed to Y/n and I's room. "Yes, but it's too chaotic in there. With all the screaming and gossiping it's too painful." She yawned. Whatever.

"Tyler, how about something not too fancy. Maybe... get the fortune cookies? Rig hers to tell her she will be proposed too at that moment and that will be the most adorable thing ever!" Ohm chuckled. "Maybe a nice rose petal pathway to the top of a hill with a nice view and have the fortune cookies up there, in a box." Bryce cheered.

"Great IDEA!" I yelped, taking notes. "FANTASTIC! Thanks Guys! And girl, I guess..." I trailed off, annoying Charley. "HEY! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I WAS THE SMARTEST KID IN MY CLASS" She yelped. "'Was'? What Happened?" Sophia hopped down the stairs. The girls followed behind, and I had to shove the notebook in my bag before anyone saw. "...Some really hot and cool and smart girl came along and stole all the boys and girls and the teachers too. She was actually stupid, but she charmed her way to the top of the charts...." Charley folded her arms.

"Of course. Pretty sure you're just stupid." Brian smirked, seeing Charley turn red. "F' off, Mate! I couldn't give a flippity f**k what you have for say because I was the smartest Sheila in that classroom! I was ACE! Say something like that again and you'll Cark It!" She yelled out, a mix of Aussie terminology in her yelling. "Bloody good, Mate! Can't wait to be Cactus in the Ambo!" Jake smirked. Charley completely lost it. "Bloody oath if you keep making fun of my barbie lovin' pals! You're just a blummin' Dill!" She began chasing Jake around the house.

"Well, um... I know you're from Australia, but what the heck are you speaking?" Y/n chuckled. I smiled. "I'd teach you, but I have no clue whatsoever." I laughed. "Teach us your ways, Aussie Shiela! That's the only word I know." Lui laughed.


I don't know how weddings work, nor do I know anything about proposing. Sorry. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!
Word count: 1162 words.

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