Chapter 6 - *GROANN* CHILDREN!

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Y/n's POVV

"Can I be at least human-looking again?" I asked Charley as she pulled out a phone. She hushed me, dialling what seemed to be a random number. She began talking on the other line in a hushed tone, almost whispering. I began questioning what she was doing until I heard the beating of wings above me. I saw Arlan and Ohm with red wings and horns. Their tails were wrapped around their waist. "Hi... Arlan..." I murmered. "How'd you die, Ohm?" I turned my attention to Ohm. Charley death glared him, and I saw him shrink away.

(REMEMBER IN DA OTHER BOOK Y/N DIED BEFORE OHM UNMASKED HIMSELF) He looked around before explaining an unbelievable story. "Well, you see, you're so-called friends shot me and I died. They murdered me, Y/n." He waved his hands in the air. I didn't believe a word he just said. "I'm sure they had their reasons." I said, ignoring the look he sent to Arlan. "Why do we need them?" I turned to Charley. "Well, we need a sacrifice if you want to be permanently alive." She smirked. "Who do you wanna wipe from the face of the Earth?" She gestured to the two dead demons in front of us, they now being shocked.

"WHAT?!" I almost fell off the roof. "You know, sacrifice their soul to me and I can revive you." She smiled innocently. "Can't you do it without ridding of SOMEONE?" I asked, puppy eyes soon replacing my concerned eyes. She wasn't affected by it. "Doesn't Arlan deserve it? He's a traitor." She hissed. I shook my head. "Try and do it without the Sacrifice? PLEASE?" I pleaded. She sighed. "Fine, but it will only be temporary. A sacrificial ceremony is nessecary to resurrect you fully." She said, and I saw a red pentagram start to form on the ground.

"Step into it." She commanded. I did as I was told, slightly cautious of the fire surrounding it. I felt the entirety of my life force come back to me, and my halo and wings dissapeared. I looked over to Charley, who had her hair covering one eye. She raised her hand and I began to levitate, the other demons being blown back as mine and her hair flew up. One eye was glowing red, almost like a red, four pointed star. The wind around us calmed down and I was lowered to the ground with her hand movements. "Why are you so OP?" I questioned once the pentagram dissapeared. "You are, Too! Don't complain, Y/n." She said. What does she mean?

I was about to ask, when a thud came from downstairs and screams also generated soon after. I sighed,  walking down to make sure nobody had died. It was a close call, I must say. A familiar purple cloaked figure stood in the middle of a circle of babies, and they all looked suspiciously like my friends. The man turned to me, brown hair and eyes facing me. "You Again! Sorry, it'll wear off." He said. "Seto?" I tilted my head. Why is he in here?

"Hey why are you in my House?" I questioned. "...BYE!" He yelled, diving out the window and shattering the glass. "STOP!" I heard Charley yell, but it was too late. He was gone. "Mommy!" A high pitched squeal came from below me. A mini Lui stood in front of me, big eyes and I swear they were really sparkly. "...I'll go after Him! I ain't staying here!" Charley leapt out the second window, breaking it as well. I ain't repairing it.

"Mommy!" Lui echoed once more, tugging on my cloak. "Yes, Lui?" I knelt down to his height, struggling not to squeal. "Can you play with me?" His squeaker voice sounded even more high pitched. "Sorry, buddy. Play with Nogla instead?" I gestured for David to come here, him looking like a child too. "YAY!" They both squealed before running up the stairs. "Come Back!" I heard Marcel say, running up to them with a mini Jake plush. I got up and looked around, counting the children. There were too many.

"Mama!" Evan ran up to me, Delirious following soon after. "Girl Cooties!" Delirious pointed at Sophia. "No, Boy COOTIES!" She yelled back. "Can you hold teddylirious and my owl for me?" He asked, holding up his and Jon's teddy's. "Sure." I scooped the plush toys into my arms and set them onto the counter top. I watched and smirked as all the kids ran around, screaming about Cooties. "Eek! Help, Loocke!" Mai yelped as Bryce chased after her. "I will safe You!" Cartoonz hugged Bryce as Mai ran upstairs.

"Story time!" I heard Charley yell, and she dragged in an unconscious Seto. Violent, Much? Actually, no. I did it too. "YAY!" The kids ran up to her. She tensed up as they pulled her to the couch. I pulled out numerous bean bags and watched Charley look the upmost uncomfortable around the kids. "O-once upon a time, there was a kingdom full of princesses and princes." Charley began as the children attempted to climb all over her. "Gah! Y/n, Halp!" She squirmed as she was drowned in children.

I picked them off her and set them down on the floor and the bean bags. Charley settled with one child on her lap, Sophia, and she continued the story. "One day, a big dragon came in the castle and destroyed it!" She laughed as the kids squealed. "Hold Me!" Tyler yelled and climbed onto my lap. I cradled him securely in my arms as Charley described it in disturbing details. "And the scales dragon ate EVERYONE! There was blood everywhere, and the only person left was Queen Y/n, who had lost an arm and her heart to the beast!" She smirked as the kids hid under the bean bags. I didn't help in the slightest in trying to console them, instead I recorded the whole thing.

"She died of blood loss, and the dragon took over the kingdom, talking about how he'd make America great again!" I laughed as the kids screeched loudest at that one sentence. "Not The dwagon!" They yelped. "Nap Time!" I said, hearing only yawns in response. I couldn't deal with all these children at this time of night. It was now seven, and I had set up a ton of mattresses downstairs. I tucked everyone in and let Charley watch them as I trotted upstairs and slipped into Tyler's bed. It was soft. "Mommy?" I felt someone crawl on top of me. "Yeah?" I rubbed my eyes. "Can I sleep with You? Miss Charley is too scawy." They said. I cuddled them. "Sure." I said. I felt a helmet an readied it was Tyler. I pulled the helmet off his head, kissing him goodnight. "Love you." I said, hearing only snores in response.

Rushed, sorry. Hope you enjoyed, Anyway!
Word count: 1166 words.

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