Chapter 7 - Cure

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I woke up startled, from a loud bang behind me. I saw my wings sprouting out of my back, but that doesn't explain it. Wait- Nevermind. Tyler was now on the floor, most likely knocked off by my wings. I burst out laughing as he coughed up a mouthful of feathers. "HEY!" He yelped, tackling me onto the other side of the bed. I laughed out loud as he began tickling me mercilessly, as I writhed around. "PLES STOP! MErCY!" I screeched between laughter. He finally stopped. "That's what you Get!" He stuck his tongue out at me. I did the same, trotting downstairs.

Now this is what I like to see. Charley being crushed under everyone else, suffocating and screaming for help. Note the sarcasm. Seto woke up from inside the closet he was shoved into and fell onto his face once he got out. "Whu-.... Who? Where? What?" He stuttered seeing Charley being suffocated under the numerous sleeping bodies. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE, HALP MEHH!" She yelped as magic surrounded her, dragging her out from under the unconscious adults. She was tossed out the window carelessly as she screeched for help.

"As I told you, everyone is okay. Good day, Ma'am" He bowed before leaping out the window and I looked out the window to see him crush Charley before walking away. I waved before waking everybody else up. "NOT THE WALL!" I heard someone yell. "WHAT?" I yelled back. "I had a night mare....." somebody else slurred awake. I rolled my eyes and went outside to fetch Charley.

"Ughhh... What?" Charley groaned, getting up. "Is there a way to get rid of these things permanently without killing someone?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes, and it's not like somebody will die along the way and we're define toy not going to make a deal with the devil or anything, No!" She rolled her eyes. "What do you mean, 'WILL DIE'? What about 'might DIE?'" I said, immediately realising that the only way to do this was to be in danger or have someone die, and I was rooting for the first option.

"I could give my life, but I like my life, so... I don't think using my soul is the right bargaining order." She said. "Well! Let's all go on a mission to resurrect Myself!" I proclaimed, pointing through the air as if I already succeeded. "All?" She yelped as I dragged her up the stairs and into the mansion. "GUYS! TRIP! LET'S GO!" I yelled out as people rushed to get ready, a blur of all the colours of the rainbow flashing around me. A chorus of 'READY's were heard before Charley lead the way into the forest.

For some reason, everyone either brought something useless or nothing at all. "Banana... or Cucumber?" Vanoss muttered, holding up both foods. I heard Lui begin making little 'PEW' noises and play on his Gameboy. (?) Delirious was singing about his slinky in the back, I don't know who gave it to him, and it seemed to get on Tyler's nerves. It was annoying Charley, too. To add to the ruckus of annoyingness, Terrorizer made Arnold sounds, much to my discomfort, and I saw Charley's eyes begin to twitch.

It was worse to hear Sophia giggling and poking Mini to make it look like Jake did it, and everytime she did, Mini would yelp incredibly girlyly. Yailyn continuously grumbled and Annabelle kept a smirk on her face and made Brock question her, loudly and obnoxiously. Silent was ignoring Marcel, and Marcel didn't want none of that. He was making puppy eyes and whining at her. Mai mispronounced Luke's name over, and over again, and Luke began getting frustrated. Nogla's laugh echoed around at our discomfort, and to top it all off, Jake was beginning to catch the hiccups.

"ENOUGH!" Tyler said. "SHUT UP!" Charley screeched. I just silently smiled. "Halt the ruckus, and we can keep 'er goin" Vanoss smirked, watching Charley begin to slam her head on a tree. Not just any tree, a tree with a large lever poking out the side. Charley stopped and pulled it, now with a red circle on her forehead, and I felt the floor collapse under us and we all began falling into a dark abyss.

I landed on top of a large mushroom, for some reason this was down here, and everyone else landed on the solid, hard ground. The girls (apart from Charley) landed swiftly on the floor in cool spiderman poses whereas everyone else face planted into the red, scratchy floor. Groans were head soon after and I bounced off the soft mushroom. "We're here! In... hell?" Charley seemed unsure of this place. "Wait, it is hell, just--" Luke cut himself off by pulling another lever and a door opened to my left, revealing a fiery pit of heck.

"Guys, if we die, I want you to know that I think you all are the most obnoxious group of friends I've ever had. Oh wait-- I can't DIE! I'm a GOD! Or the opposite...." Charley said, leading us to a large, red fortress surrounded by fire. With a wave of a hand, the fire dissapeared. "I hope everybody took a drink, because there's no such thing as water in here." She smirked as numerous people groaned. The temperature rose immediately as I took a step into the large fortress of red, and everyone began tossing off their coats and hats. The smell of ash and sweat soon followed us as Mai, Luke and Charley lead the way.

"Um... is this Normal?" I heard Yailyn ask from behind us. A clanging sound was heard and I whipped around to see armoured guards blocking every entry or exit. "Oh! Hey, guys, it's me!" Charley turned to her demonic form. The guards drew their Spears and fired them at us rapidly, and we drew our weapons and began fighting. Clangs, shooting and screams were heard as the guards population dropped by a large amount.

I found a large, golden sword in a glass case and smashed it open, reading a label saying 'EXCALIBURS SWORD' before slashing guards left and right, seeing them drop like flies. Now I didn't really expect to see a red demon dog bound out of a cage, snarling and barking. Silent went to take it on, with her mind-controlled blade and leapt at it. Unfortunately, I didn't get to fight alongside her in time, as the horned beast rammed her into the wall. Of course, someone had TO DIE! NUUUUUUU

I rushed up to the beast without thinking and slashed at its neck, seeing it's had fly off. It evaporated into red smoke and Silent slumped to the ground clutching a bleeding stomach. "SILENT!" I yelled, rushing up to her and attempting to stop the blood loss. I heard the sounds of violence and evaporating mist around me, but I payed no attention. Unfortunately, Silent also evaporated.


I killed her. My hands are stained with the blood of the once living Silent. Nobody knew this would happen apart from two human beings... AWAAAAAAAAH! I didn't wanna do That!
Word count: 1199 words.

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