Chapter 16 - Silent Is BACK

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Note that I don't have inspiration and a load of writers block right now. Please deal with my terrible writing for a while longer.

Wildcat's POV
Of to the jewellery store, I go! (I ain't tellin' Why. Figure it out is obvious)

Y/n's POV
I watched Tyler jog away from the mansion, wallet in hand and an excited glimmer dancing in his eyes. Wonder where he's off to... he took my pistol with him, and it was fitted in his pocket. Hope he isn't robbing some place.

I swiftly pulled my h/l h/c hair into a ponytail and took out my phone. I dialed Lizzza's phone number and heard it ring three times before Liza answered. "GURL WASSUP" She cheered. I sighed. "Hey, you know that time in life when you were all like 'I can find evaporated bodies' or Whatever?" I felt hesitant to say it, mostly because I didn't think I called the right person, but I asked anyway.

"Oh yeah, Why?" She sounded confused for a moment. "Well, I need you to find one. I don't know where it is." I ran my fingers through my ponytail, intertwining them with my hair and knotting it up. "Name? And where'd you last see Them?" She began quizzing me. "Silent Whisper. I think. We were in Hell and she was impaled by a huge mutt with horns. She evaporated--- Wait... why do you know this stuff? Like, how to find evaporated dead bodies?" I threw the topic off with my own curiosity.

"Nevermind. Anyway, come to pick it up right now. Thanks. Bye, Baby Girl!" She cheered, hanging up on my phone. A dull beeping noise rang throughout the house before I threw the phone at the wall. I hate that piercing noise. "Hey, Y/n. You ready to go?" Lui came out, picking up my phone and handing it to me carefully. I shoved it in my pocket and nodded, walking out the door and hopping into my new car. By mine, I mean Aphmau's. Speaking or the devil, she began texting me. Randomly and out of the blue.

'Hey. My real names Jess. Aaron isn't Aaron. He's Jason. Bye.' She had messaged me formally. I shoved my phone in the glove box of the car before Lui hopped in beside me. "Leggo!" He squeaked. "Why Lego? I'll get you some for your birthday." I said, slamming the accelerator and hearing the car ram into a huge boulder. I reversed, slammed the pedal and felt the car jolt in the right direction. This will take a while.

Wildcat's POV
I made it to the jewellery store in a matter of minutes. I skipped inside, feeling giddy and beginning to look for the thing my heart felt like getting. A pretty shiny object caught my attention, and I immediately ran for it. Sadly, some guy had the same idea, because he rushed toward it as well. This will take a while, I thought to myself as I took out Y/n's gun.

Y/n's POV
I finally parked sensibly after a huge, aggressive argument between Lui and I about my driving skills. The car is too fast, not my skills. I hopped out and bashed Lizzza's door down, hearing her screech echo through the house. "Oh! Y/n, here's your friends... corpse." Her mood went from sweet to sour in a matter of minutes. I smiled, carrying Silent into the boot of the car.

Lui hopped into the drivers seat despite my complaints and we drove to where we'd meet everyone else but Tyler. Then again, Tyler is probably doing something nice, caring and sweet. He's such an Angel!

Wildcats POV
My white shirt was drenched in bloodstains and my eyes twitched as I went up to the terrified man at the counter. I took the... thing... with me and rested my hands on the counter.  "I'll take this, please." I huffed, pulling out around a hundred dollars before he screeched as loud as possible. "SHUT UP, someone will think you died." I rolled my eyes, shoving the money in his hands and taking the really shiny thing and walking home. Hope this is worth it.

Y/n's POV
I parked between the white lines of a carpark at the edge of a flowery field of trees and flowers of assorted colours. Lui carried Silent as we began finding the guys. Marcel was in tears, out of excitement I presume. He was smiling, so I guess I made a pretty solid assumption. I followed them to an open field of yellow and red roses, a truly beautiful sight. What were we doing here, though?

Lui lay Silent in the middle of two flowers, a red and a yellow rose. And beyond my imagination, something expeditiously cool happened next. Her eyes opened, revealing dull, grey ones. The roses shattered into petals and swirled above her calmly, beholding a beautiful sight. Two petals, yellow and red, lay themselves on Silent's irises, and her eyes regained their red and yellow colour.

Marcel was the first to tackle her in a hug, before we all did the same. Marcel was the happiest I had ever seen him before, and all the tears of joy made me feel like crying. I pulled myself together, and made sure to not she'd a single tear. "Wait, where's Tyler?" Sophia questioned. "I don't know, actually." Nogla's face screwed up in confusion. My mind went to all the worst possible thoughts that I could think of. "I'm sure he hasn't died yet." Yailyn reassured me.

"That's not what she's worried about." Luke frowned. "What then, Lookie?" Mai tilted her head. "Maybe he's CHEATING ON Y/N!" Brock yelped as Annabelle hit him upside the head. "Stop it, no he's not." Evan shook his head. "Well, there is the possibility. He seemed overjoyed to leave off with her gun and his wallet." Charley shrugged. I stayed silent, trying not to think the worst. Trying to think positively. "No, of course not. He's all over Y/n, he wouldn't cheat." Mini defended Tyler's absence.

"Yeah..." I looked back at the mansion, seeing Tyler run back in a different change of clothes. That seemed shady. What would he do that would make him change clothes? Other than going to some other girls house and screwing her, changing clothes and leaving after paying her, what else could've happened?

He couldn't have cheated on me... RIGHT?

WORD COUNTTTT: 1098 Words.

WildCat X Reader - Come Back...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora