Chapter 21 - Porposel?

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Y/n's POV
"So... you expect me.... to have a pumpkin carriage... to let you ride In?" Charley exclaims, raising an eyebrow. "Yup!" I giggled. "No, I have a wild horses in the backyard if you want." She pointed to the back. My eyes widened and I rushed out, my baby Oblivion sitting on my shoulder.

A creamy pony nibbled on fresh blades of grass infront of me. I immediately let it out of the backyard and set it free, as Charley apparently wants to cage horses. (I don't.) As I was saying... I ran back inside and ducked behind the couch as I saw Wildcat in a nice red suit thing that I don't know the name of. Actually, I probably do,  but I forgot. Or something.

"Do you think she'll like it?" He breathed, fumbling with his pockets. What? "Yeah, she will. Now go before she starts spying on us." Ohm smirked as Wildcat ran outside into a slick, black limousine. I got up and dusted myself off. "Oh hey, Y/n. Didn't see you there." Ohm smiled, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Oh, hey, Ohm." I began. "I wasn't sitting behind the couch spying on you guys at all." I watched his eyes widen.

"How much did you Hear?" He began to tense up in nervousness. "Oh! Not much, I guess. Why?" I tilted my head, confused. "NEVERMIND!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes. Just then, Sophia came tumbling down the stairs. She wore a red dress, golden accents decorating the skirt area and such.

"Uhh... Oh. Hey, Arm. How's thinks?" Sophia slurred. "You... alright?" I tilted my head. "You... yes, Y/n... absoflutely... Fantabulous!" She giggled. "She's drunk." Mai rushed downstairs. "How do you know that's, Malfred?" Sophia stumbled over to her. "I watched you take a large swig of wine, what Else?" Mai said, ignoring the new name 'Malfred.' How'd she even get that.

"You're... HOT... Y/N!" Sophia slurred once more, staring into my eyes. "Hey! Y/n, I need you to.... Uh..." Mini gulped as Sophia tumbled onto the floor. "Hey, Mikey. Wassup?" She giggled drunkenly. "Charley, take her." Mini shoved Charley down the stairs. "Hey, Cheese...." Sophia was dragged away. Charley wasn't too pleased that the wine from upstairs had been consumed, as it was... Hers? Nevermind...

"Y/N!" Someone yelled from outside. "WHAT? And WHO?" I yelled back. "LIZZZA'S TESLA!" Liza yelled back at me. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I yelled. "TAKING YOU TO CHINSES NEW YEAR CELEBRATION! Long words." She giggled as I walked out, groaning. "You look special." She mused. "Bad or good Way?" I asked, hopping into the car.

"Great way." She laughed with me. We sped off. "Isn't this your boyfriends car?" I asked. As soon as I did that, her phone began ringing. She answered as she pulled up to the Chinese New Years Outdoor Party. It looked kinda nice, aside from the seizure-inducing bright lights flashing from the stage. Songs played and they weren't that bad. Food was being served at a bar, alongside drinks.

The stage was just for dancers and singers, but it looked fun to destroy it. Yknow, scare everyone off? No? Okay.... I saw the guys in huddled group beside the stage. I crept through the crowd, earning compliments and such. I kept saying thanks nonstop as well as apologies for shoving passed everybody. Finally, I made it to the guys. I didn't catch any trace of Tyler having been there with them, but I went over anyway.

"Hey, have you guys seen my baby Boy?" I joked, snapping their attention over to me. "Oh... uh, no?" Jake seemed worried. "Really?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Nope- I mean... Yep!" Jake yelped as mini kicked his foot visibly. "Okay. I'll go ask Sophia, then." I smirked and ran toward the drunken girl.

"Hey, baby. Wanna grab a drink?" Sophia was hitting on some girl at the bar. "Okay. Bye!" Sophia waved at the now uncomfortable girl as she walked away. "Sophia! Where'd my boyfriend Go?" I asked. She pointed over to a pathway. I then saw Mai come over, in a nice red and black dress with a rose pattern.

"I'm so lonely..." Mai slumped down next to Sophia, asking the bartender for a drink. "But... but YOU have Ohm to make out with...." Sophia watched Mai jolt up. Mai flipped Sophia off, earning snickers from Sophia and I. "I need Leaf." Mai pointed over to Luke. "LEAF? How about we... discuss cup sizes instead." Sophia slurred, giggling. I waved the guys over, some splitting up and others actually coming over to us.

Only the relatives came over, Mai's brother Luke, Sophia's brother Mini and my brother Jacob. "I'm a double B cup." Mai said. "Stop conversing about your chest region." Luke rolled his eyes. "I'M A B CUP AND MOST DEFINITELY PROUD OF IT." Sophia yelled, drawing attention to us. "Well, f**k me sideways." Mini groaned as people began to stare at us. "That's my brothers job, not mine." I smirked.

Silence overcame our group before we laughed hysterically, making the people around us walk away, thinking we are crazy. I can't blame them, honestly. "Hey, Y/N?" Jonathon came over to me. "Can we... Talk? Privately?" He looked around. "Okay, sure." I got up from the bar stool and went with Delirious over to a red pathway. Upon closer inspection, it was drowned in rose petals.

"Um..." He twiddle his thumbs. "Oh! Shoot, I FORGOT! Bye!" He giggled, running away. Really? "Well, might as well investigate this bloody trail." I smiled, trotting along the rose petals leading me to my destination. I went uphill, front ways, sideways and under. Through caves and across one sturdy bridge. Honestly, this was quite a trek.

I made it to a large mountain top, with a pretty, white gazebo. I stepped onto it, taking in the bewildering sight around me. Lovely, calming lights drifted around me, signalling them being fireflies. They lit up the dark around me, but even without them I could still see the enchanting setup they made for the Chinese New Years celebration. I stated in awe, transfixed at the landscape below me. It was worth it to climb up all this way.

"This view is breathtaking." I breathed. I heard someone approach me from behind me. "It surely is." Tyler stood behind me. "Hey! I've been looking everywhere for you, Mister! Where were you?" I quizzed Wildcat of his absence. "Heh, sorry. Um... You look lovely." He smiled. "You look better." I smiled back. "No, you do." He smiled, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, anyway... What'cha doing up here?" I asked. "Admiring the view." He looked over at the breathtaking scenery. "Me too..." I breathed. "Um... Y/n?" He began looking nervous. "Yes? What's cooking, good-looking?" I smiled comfortingly. "Well..." He began.

"Um...." He looked everywhere but me. "Go on." I urged. "Well... Huh. No matter how I say this I would sound cheesey." He said, taking a deep breath. I tilted my head, confused with his words. "But I'll give it a go. You know I love you, right? With all of my heart?" He looked deeply into my eyes, his own shining bright. I nodded.

"Well, I do. And I think you're perfect, no matter the flaws. When I first saw your mischievious smirk, I thought you weren't much harm. But once I got to know you, you already stole my heart. By the time I spilled my feelings to you, I knew I wanted to stick by your side for the rest of our lives. Before I met you, I didn't have a single care in the world. And once you waltzed into my life, I now have something to treasure. You. You're kind and cheerfulness can make any body's day, and just being with you in general boosts my mood by a mile." He stopped to take a deep, shaky breath, and kept going.

"We both share similar interests, and we both love eachother dearly, so I was wondering..." He dropped to one knee and pulled out a black velvet box. I gasped, feeling my eyes water and I covered my mouth in surprise. "Would you spend the rest of our lives together and take my hand in marriage?" His eyes were full of hope as he opened the box, revealing a beautiful, silver ring, with five f/c gems being held on the top by silver swirls.

Tears of joy slid down my face. I nodded, tackling him in a hug. I squealed in delight, not wanting to let go. No wonder nobody told me what this was, and why it was so special. This day surely will be the best day of my lie by far. I felt the ring slip onto my finger and Tyler's gaze on me.

"I love you so much..." I whispered, glad to be enveloped in his arms.

Yup. Such a precious moment. I can't believe the book is almost finished. ;-;
I couldn't stop squealing while over reading this. I had to lock myself in the bathroom and screech because it was so cute. :)
Hope you enjoyed the third/second to last CHAPTER!
Word count: 1545 words.

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