Chapter 15 - MiseryWeather

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Y/n's POV

"So I've been thinking... I can try the resurrecting ceremony later. Like, tomorrow or the day after." Lui and I walked over to Aphmau's base, discussing the bringing-Silent-to-life thing. I now realise how Aphmau could just be a cover name, and Aaron might have another name too. Well, Aphmau doesn't seem like a real name, and if hers is fake then Aaron's would be too.....

"I mean, you could, but... Marcel won't hold out much longer. He's gonna implode." I shrugged. "Don't worry, I want to do this as soon as possible. But I want to try to hold myself together rather than fall apart." Lui stated calmly. I smiled. "Well, alright then. Here's my stop, anyway. Bye!" I waved to Lui as he began speeding to the grocery store. I was meeting Tyler at the warehouse because he wanted to see how dangerous the missions were.

"Hey TY-TY!" I heard him yelp as I swung my arms around his neck, snapping him out of his trance. "What'cha thinking about?" I giggled as he regained his composure. "Um... Nothing? It's secret, I can't tell you." He seemed to see something in the distance. I looked there, too, and saw Yailyn's car smash through a window of a hotel. I ignored it. "What's so bad that I can't know? You can tell me, I won't judge." I smiled, wanting to see into his brain. "... I can't tell YOU, Y/n. It's a surprise." He looked everywhere but me.

"Whatever." I folded my arms, huffing and feeling the curiosity nibble at my brain. Aphmau and Aaron appeared in front of us out of the sky, landing softly on the dusty wasted land. "We have another mission for you, Y/n. Your husband can come too, I guess." Aphmau smirked as Tyler and I turned a fiery red. "Um.... we're not... not married..." Tyler stuttered. I heard him mumble something under his breath. "What?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "N-NOTHING!" He half-yelled, waving his hands in the air.

"Of course. Anyway, here's the mission." Aaron began. "We need you to find the MiseryWeather Corporation Warehouse and rig it full of explosives. They are working for the most evil of people. They are looking to make almost every entertaining thing illegal. Seems they want misery for everyone." Aaron handed me car keys, smirking as my eyes bolted around for the car the keys belonged too.

A comet's headlights flared as I pressed a button on the keys and I squealed, hopping in the driver's seat. "The explosives are in the back. Have Fun!" Aphmau called as I pulled WildKitty into the passenger seat and hit the gas button, speeding away at lightning speed. This will be super fun. Tyler screeched as we sped away, wind stabbing at our faces as we stuck our heads out the window. I almost kicked Tyler out the window out of pure excitement.


I struck the corresponding pedal to halt the speeding car as we found the large warehouse. It had an angry cloud on the front, and looked childish as heck. Then again, I don't think heck will be childish, but I could only dream. I hopped out the car and opened the boot to see a load of sticky bombs in the back, a remote with a large red button sitting on the top. I was about to press it when Tyler took it and the bombs, shoving them in his satchel.

"If you explode, I want you to know that I love you." I smiled. "What about you? You're next to me." His eyebrow twitched. "You know you'd shove me out of the picture and I'd have no choice but to watch as you explode before my very eyes." I muttered, keeping a straight face. "Hey! If I die, you're surely coming with me." He joked. We laughed and began climbing up the wall, brick by brick.

I smashed through a certain window on the second floor and poured the contents of the explosive satchel onto the floor, throwing the remote at the wall and jumping out. Without Tyler. The building exploded and began crumbling as I realised that Tyler wasn't by my side. I ran to the comet, tears threatening to spill as I saw Tyler in the driver's seat. Alive and in one piece. "I thought you exploded!" I whined as I jumped into the passenger seat.

"Thanks for worrying." Tyler drove sensibly back to Aphmau's base. Hopefully we exploded the right building. I mean, it had the logo, the name, and the company printed onto the front. I'm almost sure that they won't make the world a real life hell. Wait--- Charley's brother lives in hell, so hell is in real life and is real.

I felt the car jerk to a stop as I barreled out the front window. "AAAAAAAAASAH" I screeched as I rolled through the dusty road and to someone's feet. "Well done, Y/n." Aphmau hauled me up, making sure I was stable and on my feet. "You Okay?" Tyler rushed to my side. "Yup! Unless we killed the wrong building." I smiled. Aphmau nodded, showing us the video of me flying out the window and into a tree as the building exploded.

"Great job! Here's you're Prize!" Aphmau handed me a little watch thing. It read 'JANUARY SECOND, 2017. 16.00 TIME.' It had buttons and little gadgets built in, and looked awesome. "WOAH" Ty breathed out, awestruck at the watch. I didn't blame him, it was the coolest thing  I had ever seen. Electronic-wise, anyway.

"This... This is Awesome! Thanks so much!" Before I knew what I was doing, I hugged aphmau with all of my strength. She hesitated for a moment, before hugging me once more. "No problem." She smiled, pulling away. "Well, off to attempt resurrecting a friend without inducing her with extreme Pain!" I giggled, skipping away. "Um... Y/n?" Tyler caught up to me. "Wassup?" I asked. "I don't think I will be there to resurrect Silent. Sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck before running off. I began thinking of why he was acting up so weirdly.

...Its not something bad, is IT?


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