Personalised and Semi-Customised One Shots :D

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If you'd like a personalised and semi-customised one-shot, either comment down below or feel free to message me answering the questions below! Please write it in one comment to make my job easier!

1. List some basic info about yourself. (e.g. Name, Age, Gender, Height??, Sexuality??)

2. Who would you like the one shot to be about?

3. Would you like the one shot to be long with a plot line or short but incredibly fluffy?

4. What are your interests and hobbies?

5. Are you Greek or Roman?

6. Who would you like to be your godly parent?

7. What kind of camper are you? (e.g. Confident, loud, and always fighting camper but secretly has a big soft heart, or Shy, Hardly noticed camper but with secret assassin skills and so on. Don't follow the stereotypes and just basically list down your honest personality traits! :D)

8. List 5 facts about yourself that may be important to the one shot or you'd like to be included.

Pretty Boys - PJO/HoO One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now