Christmas Trip

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A/N: Before this starts I want to say Merry Christmas hopefully yours was litty. I'm sorry that this is coming so late but I hope you enjoy and if you didn't read my AN from yesterday there is a new character who is introduced later in the story but I brought her out now so don't be alarmed. I didn't just sneak someone in the book nope she comes later but. See yall at the end.

Capri's POV

     "Baby, where is my black Nike hoodie? I thought it was on the bed." I call out. Leona walks in and hands me my hoodie. "It was in the game room the last place you had it." Yes me and Leona are a couple now. She still doesn't know about that night but what she doesn't know won't hurt her. I told her that we went out for a ride and getting out the car she slipped and bumped her head. She was supposedly knocked unconscious and we were too far from the dorms so I brought her over my house. That's the story we sticking with for now. You shouldn't be lying to her she's going to find out and leave yo lyin ass. I rub my temples and Lee comes over kissing my forehead. She knows I get headaches a lot but she thinks it because I stress to much about work when its really this annoying ass voice. Bitch I'm not annoying you know you love me. You just mad cause I got the sauce and you don't. This is what I mean its annoying as fuck. "Babe come on everyone is downstairs waiting," Lee says attempting to get off my lap but I pull her back. "Let them wait I wanna be with my girlfriend," I say pulling her into another kiss. I push her back on the bed and take off her sweatpants. I start to rub her through her panties until BANG BANG BANG on my door and then it swung open. "Bitches lets go- GAH DAMN can't stay off each other for two seconds," Lydia says walking into my room. Lee hurries up and puts her pants back on. "Man you fuck everything up. You don't see me walking in on you and Melissa." I say getting off the bed as well as Lee. I grab our suitcases and we walk to the steps. "Cause when we fuck its not when people are waiting on us or need us for something." She said. Looking downstairs and there is everyone talking on the couch.

     "Its about fucking time we about to be late for this flight. Come on lovebirds." Ray's smart ass says leading everyone to the cars. I put our things in the back of the car we were riding in and Christina and Ray's stuff were already back there. I get in the driver's seat and Lee gets in the passenger seat. We start for the airport and I look at the time. 3:30 AM, its too damn early to be catching fucking flights. Its only 12 something in Michigan too like why do we have to be there that early in the morning. I was the only one that was awake in the car and started to hear whimpering. I looked over to see Lee cuddled up with her pillow shifting and moving in the seat. I grab her hand and rub circles around her knuckles calming her down. About 30 minutes later we were pulling up to LAX and we all pile out of the three cars we came in. My two of the three guards I brought with us to drive the cars back to my house after. When all of our things were out of the cars and checked in including the whole three suitcases full of Christmas presents. I pull my three guards aside. "Ok we won't be back until after New Year's Day. No one is allowed to be in my house except Jimmy and Maria. If they bring anyone with them then they are not allowed to be on my property. Their guest has to stay at the gate until Jimmy or Maria are done doing what they have to do. Do you understand fuck up and that's your life." I say making sure they understand. They all nod and walk to the cars driving off and the rest of us enter the airport. Something gonna go down while your gone I can feel it. Feel what bitch you have nothing to feel with I don't wanna hear you till we get back. Fuck off.  Whatever hoe you gonna need me and im not gonna be there. It's gonna be fun watching you fuck up for two weeks. I'm a crazy ass bitch over here arguing with the voice in my head. We go through TSA and go to the part of the airport where the Delta flights were boarding. Kiara and Ray went to get us all breakfast and Christina was texting someone on her phone and looked mad as hell. I wonder who pissed in her cereal. Lexi went to the bathroom while Melissa was sitting with her legs over Lydia both listening to music with their matching beats headphones. Lee was sitting with her head on my shoulder cuddling my arm. She really wasn't a morning person.

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