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Zane was sitting in the cafeteria, he found a whole table for himself, not that he thought that it would last for long. He could for example see bubblegum hair heading for his table, dragging the girl with the tight jeans after after her, literally. The girls feet was gliding against the floor while Kawaii~Chan dragged her in her arm. It took the unusual couple quite a while to get to his table.

"So, Chloe sama why aren't you wearing the school uniform?" Kawaii~Chan asked, her name was Chloe? Zane wondered. 

"Because," Chloe answered and continued the game she was playing on her phone.  

"That's not an answer Chloe sama!"

"Okay then, why are you always talking in third person?" Chloe asked. "And I'm guessing that mister noodle ninja over here won't tell you why he's wearing a mask either, so we all have touchy subjects." 

"That's not the same! Chloe Sama is breaking school rules!" Kawaii~Chan argued. 

"Actually, I'm not, I got special permission," Chloe said. 

"Can you guys stop fighting, I'm trying to enjoy my food here," Zane said. 

"Sorry dude" Chloe said. They sat a little in awkward silence. 

"So, what did you guys do in the vacation?" Kawaii~Chan said trying to get a conversation subject going. "Kawaii~Chan will start, she used almost all summer helping her mother in the bakery," she said. 

"Really, which one?" Chloe asked, Kawaii~Chan seemed happy getting asked a question. 

"The one close to the witch-craft shop," Kawaii~Chan answered. 

"Really? That's pretty close to where I live," Chloe said. "And in my vacation I was home watching YouTube and stuff."

"What about you Zane Kun?" Zane had been so busy with listening to the conversation that he completely forgot to participate. 

"I uh, my family was out traveling, but I stayed home," Something he partly regretted. 

"Zane Kun was home alone for a week?" Kawaii~Chan asked and dramatically widened her eyes.  

"Yeah," Zane said.

„And Kawaii~Chan, I'm coming to your pajama party tomorrow, my mom just texted," Chloe said, totally out of context. Chloe didn't seem like the sleepover type.

"That's amazing!" Kawaii~Chan squealed. 

"Just... no truth or dare," Chloe said and turned on her phone to continue the game.
Kawaii~Chan then turned to Zane. 

"Kawaii~Chan is having a pajama party to make people feel more welcome," she smiled the brightest smile Zane had ever seen.

"Kawaii~Chan just got an amazing idea!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed. 

"We three could be in project group together." Zane looked over at Chloe for support, she looked just as skeptical as he did right now. 

"KC, I don't really know..." she said. 

"KC?" Zane asked. 

"Yeah, in case you didn't notice, I like nicknames," Chloe said.

"Then what do people call you?" He asked. 

"My brother says that I'm one of those people who have no nickname," she answered. 

"You have a brother?" Zane blurted out. 

"A twin actually" she answered.

"You two are talking around the subject!" Zane could see that Chloe was trying to avoid eye contact with Kawaii~Chan. 

"It's because I already have a partner," Zane lied. 

"Oh no you don't, you know as well as I, that that's a lie!" Chloe said. 


"Yeah, and you had to give me away?!" He asked angrily. 

"If I'm going into this, you're going with me!" She said. 

"And why is that?!" Zane asked. 

"Because you are the only person on this freaking trash school who is just a little bit cool," Zane blushed at this remark and drew his mask a little up. That didn't mean that he wasn't still mad. He was going to get his own partner, by asking them, not this.

Suddenly Kawaii~Chan broke out in tears. 

"Uhh..." Chloe said and glared awkwardly at her. Then she mimed something. 

'Do something!'

'Why me?' Zane asked silently. 

'Because' She replied without saying a word. 

"Fine!" Zane said out.

"Great, what theme should we choose then?" Kawaii~Chan said and was suddenly happy again. They used the time that was left before class to discuss themes. They even planned to go to Kawaii~Chan's place the next day to work on the project.


I'm Not Ok, I Promise. (A Zane~Chan FF)Where stories live. Discover now