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Math was never Zane's strong suit, in middle school, it was pretty easy, but now that he was in high school he was slowly falling behind. 

Actually, almost everything was overly hard now that he was in high school. English, Math, physics, chemistry, to not mention witchcraft and potion. 

But at least he could focus now, since Chloe's brother got suspended.

Zane felt more free walking down the halls of the school, Kawaii~Chan was still clingy though, but she seemed more happy and feisty now, so at least that wasn't all bad. 

Chloe didn't really seem to change at all, or did she? 

Zane had realized that she had been holding up a facade, but when her brother got suspended, she let a little bit of that facade fade, only to go back to normal a few moments later.

She hadn't changed, the only change there'd been was that now Zane knew, she was hiding something.

She was the complete opposite of Kawaii~Chan, who always let out excited screams if she was happy and tears if she was sad. Zane had never seen Chloe cry, maybe Kawaii~Chan had? 

Now Zane was thinking about it, he had never been to her house either, they were always hanging at Kawaii~Chan's or his place.

"Sup dork," Chloe said and stood in front of his table. 

"Dork?" Zane asked. 

"I don't know...?" she said. 

"In any case, exited to go to the Christmas market tomorrow?" 

"I guess," he said and put on his backpack. 

"Ooh, better keep that away from Kawaii~Chan, I haven't seen her this excited like ever, actually sort of scary," Chloe said as they were walking towards the cafeteria. "And also, your bro wants to meet you after school." 

"What, why?" Zane asked. 

"I don't know, he just told me to tell you," she said. 

"But why couldn't he just tell me himself?"

"Hey, don't shoot the messenger!" 

"Zane Kun! Chloe Sama!" Zane could hear the familiar sound of Kawaii~Chan's shoes against the floor. 

"Hi, bubblegum hair," Chloe said. 

"Kawaii~Chan told Chloe Sama to stop calling her that!" She said and crossed her arms. 

"Hey, Zane started it!" Chloe said and threw her book into her locker. 

"No I didn't!" Zane said and crossed his arms. He could see that absent, dreaming, but also excited look in Kawaii~Chan's eyes.

* * *

"Ew!" Chloe said as she opened her lunch box. "That's... What is that?" She asked. 

"Chloe Sama can have some of Kawaii~Chan's food if she wants to." Kawaii~Chan said. 

"Kawaii~Chan you are way too kind for your own good," Chloe said and ruffled her hair - Kawaii~Chan looked unsatisfied with the treatment, and stayed quiet for a while. Awkward silence seemed to fill the air around the table.

Zane started thinking about Vylad. He saw him just this morning and he did seem a little anxious, like something was bothering him, he almost seemed sorry. 

"Au! That hurt!" Zane exclaimed. 

"You were zoning out again," Chloe said. 

"Is something bothering Zane Kun?" Kawaii~Chan asked. 

"No, I mean, just about my brother," Zane said and looked down at his hands. 

"Ah, I get it," Chloe said and pushed her lunch box to the side. 

"What happened with Zane Kun's brother? Is he hurt?!" Kawaii~Chan asked. 

"No, no nothing like that," Chloe said with a absent grin. "His brother just want to meet Zane after school to talk to him or something" 

"Oh, don't worry Zane Kun, it's probably not that serious!" Kawaii~Chan said and looked at him with an empathetic look. 

Zane continued staring at his hands. They almost seemed Blue is the shadow under the table. He could see the lines in his hand-palms - two big lines across the hand and smaller ones around them. 

"You're are probably right," he said and looked up, he could feel a small smile under his mask. 


I'm Not Ok, I Promise. (A Zane~Chan FF)Where stories live. Discover now