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"Hey! Give it back!" Zane yelled trying to cover his face with his hand while trying to get his mask back with the other. But Chloe was taller than him, and she held his mask as high as she could. It didn't help much that Kawaii~Chan was helping, because she was even smaller. 

"Awe, you have freckles!" Chloe said and pointed at Zane.

"Here!" she said and threw it to him. He gave her a punch on the shoulder, but it might have hurt him more than it did her. 

"Okay, to make it up to you I'll tell you why I don't wear a school uniform," she licked her lips. "It's because I don't want to," She said, and grinned.

"What?!" Zane asked, if he had known there was an option to not wear uniforms...

"Yeah, I spent like an hour yelling at my mom, saying that no matter what happened I would under any circumstances never leave the house wearing that," Chloe said and pointed at Kawaii~Chan's clothes.

"What happened then?" Kawaii~Chan asked. 

"She called the office asking for permission to not wear a school uniform," She finished. 

"Okay... Now Kawaii~Chan will share her secret too," she said. "Kawaii~Chan speaks in third person because to her it's big part of being a Mei'fwa." There was a little bit of silence. 

"And why exactly were you scared to tell us that?" Chloe asked. 

"Because Kawaii~Chan was scared that she would be bullied," She said. 

"Ah, well," Chloe said. "We'd never bully you, Kawaii~Chan."

Zane looked at Kawaii~Chan, did she really get bullied? It seemed so. But there was so many other Mei'fwas at the school. Why her?

They finally got to Kawaii~Chan's house, who also served as a bakery. Zane loved sweets, especially cupcakes. 

"So," Kawaii~Chan said and turned around. "The bakery entrance or the front entrance?" 

"Bakery!" Zane and Chloe said in unison. 

"Just as Kawaii~Chan thought!" she said. They then walked in through the glass doors. 

"Hi mom!" Kawaii~Chan said. 

"Hi sweetheart." She looked a lot like Kawaii~Chan, she was small, with bright pink hair. And she also had the same amber eyes. 

"Take a cookie, darlings," She said and pointed at a jar of chocolate cookies. Kawaii~Chan took one and left through a door behind the counter 

"Thanks!" Chloe said and moon-walked out of the room. Kawaii~Chan's mom laughed.
Zane got the impression that when Chloe could pull herself together, she could be pretty charming and confident. He smiled nervously and took two cookies, then he was gone.

Kawaii~Chan's room wasn't as pink as he had imagined, There was all sorts of colors, blue, purple, yellow. Her room wasn't that big, but she had managed to stuff a lot of things into it. There were posters, drawings, plushies and figurines. Chloe was already on the bed packing out her computer, Kawaii~Chan was sitting next to her. 

"So, what are we starting with?" Chloe asked and logged into her computer. 

They got into it but about halfway through the research they got off track because Chloe got a text. 

"Ooh, who is it?" Kawaii~Chan asked and looked over her shoulder. 

"It's one of my friends," She said. 

"You have other friends?" Zane asked and put on an evil smirk, that, of course, none of them could see. He earned a knock on the head from Chloe, but it was worth it.

"Her name is Alex," She said. 

"Isn't that a guy name?" Zane asked. 

"Her real name is Alexis but nobody calls her that, only her dad," Chloe answered. 

"Should we get back to work now?" Zane asked impatiently. 

Chloe giggled, which kinda disturbed Zane, and she was staring into her phone with a weird look in her eye. 

"What it is?" Kawaii~Chan asked and tried to get a peek at her phone. 

"Nothing" she said and put the phone back in her pocket. "Let's continue." 

But afterwards she seemed distracted, kept looking out the window. But it went forward and they were having tons of fun.

"Oh god, I can't concentrate one minute more," Chloe exclaimed. 

"What time is it?" Zane asked. 

"Five p.m."

"I should probably go now," he said. 

"Yeah, Kawaii~Chan and Chloe Sama need to get ready for the sleepover," Kawaii~Chan said. 

"Come on we'll follow you out," Chloe said.

I'm Not Ok, I Promise. (A Zane~Chan FF)Where stories live. Discover now