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Zane ran. He knew it was the coward decision, but that was what he was known for, being a jerky coward. He had begun to change the second he met Kawaii~Chan, yeah. But he wasn't ready for something like that. At least he said sorry before he ran from his problems. 

He still couldn't believe it, Kawaii~Chan had a crush on him? For how long?
Zane didn't really know how it happened, but suddenly he was staring into a pair of deep dark blue eyes.

"S-sorry," he said and looked down. 

"It's okay," she said, and let out a little laugh. "It's Zane right?" She then asked, Zane looked up. 

"Jessica?" He asked surprised, he didn't think school was over yet.

"I... didn't think you knew my name," she looked surprised. "Are you okay? You aren't looking so great."

For some reason Zane told her everything, about Chloe and Kawaii~Chan and Chloe's brother, and about the ambulance incident, and how his own brother had spied on him. She was a good listener and seemed trustworthy.

"Hmm, well, first if all, you have to say sorry to Kawaii~Chan, that was a major jerk move and knowing what else is going on in her life, she's gonna be crushed," she said as they neared Zane's house.

"But how, the Christmas vacation just started?" Zane said.  

"Then call her, go to her house, something," she said and threw her arms in the air. 

"Can't I just text her?" Zane asked, he couldn't believe that it had to be that complicated.

"No! Whatever you do, you have to tell her in person, if you don't wanna do that, call her and see if she forgives you,'' Jessica said. ''Second, you gotta say sorry to your brother,'' She said. 

"But-" Zane felt guilty, but also confused. He couldn't believe all this could be inside his little body. It was overwhelming to say the least, and Jessica seemed to think it was all so simple. Just apologize to Kawaii~Chan, just make amends with his brother.

"No buts, I can see you miss him" She then said and gave him an encouraging clap on the shoulder. "Good luck" she said.

Zane stood and stared at his house for at least ten minutes before finally deciding to go up to the door. That was when he felt a buzz in his pocket, a text?
As he turned on his phone, his body suddenly felt like led again, he could feel his jaw dropping and his eyesight becoming blurry. 

Chloe had texted him.

-Fuck you.

Was she really that mad?
Zane was still staring at his phone when he slowly opened the door into the house, Vylad should already be home.

"Vylad?!" He yelled, his voice was weak, and gave up halfway through the name.

"Zane!" He could hear his brothers voice. 

"You're home," he said with not as much excitement.

"Vylad, I'm sorry" Zane was surprised by what came out of his mouth. "It wasn't your fault and I should never have blamed you." The normal Zane would never have said something like that, he felt different, like he wasn't himself anymore, it should have made him feel better, but he just kinda felt like a piece of shit.

To make it even worse, his brother hugged him. At first Zane stood tense without knowing what to do. Then he clapped his brother awkwardly on the back. He didn't deserve this.
Vylad then pulled away and held him between his hands. He was about to hug him again, but Zane quickly avoided.

"So, how was school?" Zane asked.  

"It was boring, the only thing that happened was that Chloe threatened to kill me," he said and scratched the back of his neck. 

"Did she really come to the house as she said she would?"

"Yeah" Zane said

He thought about it, everything had changed so quickly and he was back to zero friends, he really was a screw up. 

At least he had tried it before. No, he could handle it. All he was, was alone, after all.

I'm Not Ok, I Promise. (A Zane~Chan FF)Where stories live. Discover now