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Tension was thickening the air and the room was dead silent. Zane had a hard time breathing.

"I mean, I'd never get caught now," Chloe said and played around with her mashed potatoes. "What's it to you, anyway?" Chloe asked.

"Oh, just curious about my fellow students well-being, I am student body president after all."

 Zane had totally forgotten about that.

"Well, Hasta la vista, losers!" And with that, he left, awkwardly.

"Kawaii~Chan is proud of Chloe Sama!" Kawaii~Chan beamed, and Zane could feel her hand relax in his.

"What, why?" Chloe asked, mouth full of potato.

"Because Chloe Sama didn't lose control during her interaction with Casey Kun!" Zane half agreed with her. On one hand, it wouldn't have surprised Zane if she'd lost control and punched him. On the other hand, it could be a sign that something was wrong.

"Yeah well, he didn't seem to be worth it." 

* * *

"Kawaii~Chan better head home," she said.

"Want me to follow you?" Zane asked. Anything to escape the meeting with his new teacher today. And following Kawaii~Chan home always cheered him up.

"Well, see you in hell, bro," Chloe said. And left. No hug, no handshake, no bro-fist, heck not even a wave. What was going on with her? It seemed like everyone was a little off today, even Kawaii~Chan seemed different, which was rare.

Suddenly Zane realized he was walking down the hall with Kawaii~Chan's little hand in his, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Zane Kun?"

"Hmm?" Zane said and looked down at her, she was staring straight forward.

"Even if we don't go to school together, Promise Kawaii~Chan, that Zane Kun will text her everyday." Kawaii~Chan's voice was serious and her eyes glittering in the sharp light.

Zane laughed. "Of course I will," he said.

They stopped walking in a sudden outbreak. 

"Promise!" Kawaii~Chan said without hesitation.

"Ok ok, I promise," Zane said. Zane loved seeing her smile, and he wouldn't ever want to see her sad.

They were met by the early afternoon sunset, as they walked outside, It shone in their eyes and blended them.

"It's beautiful," Kawaii~Chan said and closed one eye to block out the light.

"Yeah," Zane said without looking at it. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't pry his eyes away from Kawaii~Chan. Her long hair gave of a pink light in the dark, reflecting on her face. Zane thought that nothing in the world could be more beautiful than her.

"If Zane Kun, wants to follow Kawaii~Chan home before dark, we should probably go now." Zane didn't say a word and Kawaii~Chan just started walking.

It didn't matter whether Kawaii~Chan was talking Zane's ears off, or if she was lost in a whole other world looking up into the sky, time always went fast when he was spending it with her, and before long, they arrived at Kawaii~Chan's house.

She kissed him. That was the third time, and he could feel a nice breeze entering his mind, putting his legs on auto pilot.

But suddenly Zane heard a scream, Kawaii~Chan's scream.


I'm Not Ok, I Promise. (A Zane~Chan FF)Where stories live. Discover now