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Zane was about to knock, but he just stood there. He squeezed his eyes together and was about to leave for the seventh time. The only thing different, was that this time he actually left, he would come back tomorrow to try again, he told himself.

A few days had passed and Zane had come to Kawaii~Chan's door every day, but he couldn't get himself to do it, and he wasn't going to give up. 

Zane had decided to not tell anyone, but Garroth, about what was going on. His mother gave him pleading looks now and then, not knowing what had happened, and his father straight up ignored him, which in a way, was a relief to Zane.

Zane still didn't get any sleep and when he looked at himself in the mirror, he looked sick. Lucky him, his mother hadn't noticed yet, she would go crazy with ice cream and blankets if she thought he was sick. 

Zane put his hands in his pockets. All the snow had melted, now the ground was just wet and boring. It seemed like everything around him had lost its color and autumn had returned, just colder, sadder.

Zane liked the snow, he thought it made everything look so bright, guess it was the universes way of punishing him, it sounded ridiculous in Zane's head, 'the universe'.

He kicked a trash can near by, it fell over with a bang!

"Hey! Put that back up!" One of the neighbors opened their window and shouted at him. Zane looked up, it was a large man, with a weird little mustache and a bald spot on the top of his head.

"Stop yelling at the young man Elliot! It's one of the Ro'meaves!" The woman who probably was his wife yelled. The man mumbled something Zane couldn't hear and closed the window.

Zane didn't know why, but he picked up the trash can, it was a little wobbly, but it stood. Zane smiled and pulled up his mask. Then he put his hands in his pockets and walked on.

As Zane entered the house, he could hear fighting coming from the kitchen. He couldn't determine who it was, but he could listen in on it.

"He is being irresponsible!" Zane couldn't quite tell, but it sounded like his father. Zane was surprised, his father never got in to arguments.

"Just give him time, he'll give up eventually," Zane was certain, this was his mother.

"We can't wait any longer, my business contacts are worried about the company's future!" His father continued. 

"If he is going to run the company one day, he has to be careful of the people he surround himself with." They were talking about him.

"But he is just a child, how can it matter that much?" His mother sounded desperate.

"She was charged with possession of drugs, for Irene's sake!" His father blurted out. Drugs?! It must be Chloe, Zane knew that Chloe had broken the law, but he never thought it would be that serious.

His mother had no more arguments, instead she left the kitchen. 

Zane just barely got to hide before she came. It would be a catastrophe if she found out he was listening.
Shortly after she left, his father entered, forcing Zane to stay hidden.

"Zane?" He was caught. He slowly rose from his hiding spot and faced his dad. 

"Hmph" He said. "You know, it isn't very polite to listen in on other people's conversations." Then he left.

Zane stood for a while staring at the fireplace, contemplating his situation, did he confront his mom? Did he tell Garroth? 

Zane was confused. They expected him to run the company, but why not Garroth? He was older and somewhat more mature than Zane was. 

But what was his other options, work at a grocery-store until he died? 

Actually that didn't sound that bad, as long as he had his friends. His fists tightened.


I'm Not Ok, I Promise. (A Zane~Chan FF)Where stories live. Discover now