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She was standing in front of him, she was so innocent, she was almost glowing, like she was holy.

"Zane Kun!" She waved him closer, but as he moved he only seemed to get further away, she was slowly disappearing, with that beautiful smile on her face.

He ran faster and he had almost reached her, but she was gone, Zane turned around looking to find her in his white surroundings. 

Suddenly his brother was there, looking at him.

"Zane!" Vylad yelled at him. He was standing next to his bed looking down at him. "Are you okay?" He asked.
Zane looked at the clock, 10 a.m. 

"Yeah, I-I'm fine," he said.

"Breakfast is being served in 10," his brother said and left the room.

Zane sat on the edge of his bed, his head resting in his hands. Another boring day.

Zane had stopped coming to Kawaii~Chan's house, not that he had given up, he just decided to wait until he felt completely ready. Instead he dialed Kawaii~Chan's number, or tried and hung up as soon as she answered. 

He really was a shithead.

His mother did also become suspicious of him going for a walk at the same time everyday. Especially because Zane usually wasn't much for exercise.

He was lucky he had Garroth to cover for him, else she would have found out a long time ago.
His dad had been ignoring him even more since the incident. Just one more thing to keep Zane awake at night, he had gotten zero sleep the whole week, either he couldn't sleep, or he was troubled by bad dreams.

"Good morning, my Zu-Zu!" His mother said as Zane entered the kitchen. "Did you sleep well?"  

"Not really," Zane mumbled, but his mother didn't seem to detect it, course the next moment she smiled and said, "that's great!" He could hear Vylad giggle behind him. 

"So, who wants a pancake?" Garroth asked. Zane didn't answer.

"So, my Zu-Zu-" 

"Don't call me that," Zane said, looking down at his plate. His mother looked flustered. 

"...aren't you gonna go for a walk today?" She asked. 

Zane could tell, the tension between them was bothering her. It was bothering her that her perfect little family was slowly splitting apart, that her biggest secret was about to burst, that, when people asked how it was going at home, she couldn't just smile and say "great".

"No," Zane said and gave the table an emotionless glare.

"Why not, we could go together," Vylad said and smiled, he was so innocent. Zane was tempted to smile, but resisted.

"I... I'm sorry, I have other stuff to do," Zane said, and stole a glare at Garroth, he was reading the newspaper, this got Zane attention. Garroth never read the newspaper, actually, he never read at all, had college really changed him that much?

"Mom, where's dad?" Vylad asked, he sounded like a four year old.

"He had to go to work early today," she said.

"But it's vacation?!" Zane could hear Garroth giggle behind the newspaper.
Zane read the headline: 'Drug-problem at local high school getting bigger' 

Didn't exactly get Zane in a better mood. So much had happened, sometimes Zane fully regretted getting friends at all, but he couldn't think like that, he had a plan. 

An yet, his pathetic attempts at optimism were futile, he still hadn't slept.

"Big bro, are you okay?" Vylad asked.

"Huh?" Zane asked.

Vylad and his mother looked at each other simultaneously.

"Your nose is bleeding," Vylad said carefully, Zane's eyes widened, he felt his face and looked at his fingers. Blood. Red and thick between his fingers.


I'm Not Ok, I Promise. (A Zane~Chan FF)Where stories live. Discover now