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It was freezing and there was snow everywhere, Zane didn't realize until he stepped out the door. They had to fight through the many layers of snow. Kawaii~Chan let out a excited scream, as they stepped out the house. It was so high pitched that Zane had to cover his ears.

"Kawaii~Chan loves snow!" She yelled and practically jumped out in it. Chloe looked over at him with a look that could get anyone in a bad mood. 

"I hate snow..." she said and slowly stepped down the stairs. 

He looked over at Kawaii~Chan, she was rolling around, and getting snow all over. He could hear Chloe groan as she fought to get through it as fast as possible. Zane was soon to follow them.

"So, how long is there to the market?" Chloe asked and, with much labor, pulled her leg through the snow. Weirdly enough it didn't seem to bother Kawaii~Chan, she sprung smiling through the snow, like a fairy, Zane thought. 

"It's not long," she answered. 

"Can I get a more specific answer?" Chloe asked and glared jealously up at her. Kawaii~Chan didn't answer, she just kept dancing over the glittering snow. That's when a random thought slipped into Zane's mind.

He loved these people. The thought made him blush, and he pulled his mask further up, quickly making sure the thought was pushed to the far back of his mind.

"Shit! I forgot my phone!" Chloe suddenly exclaimed.

Zane swore that he for a split second saw Chloe mouth form in a mischievous grin. "Come on, I'll follow you back-" Zane said and was about to turn around. 

"No!" Chloe said and stopped him. "Just give me the key and I'll get it myself." 

"Okay..." he said and put the ice cold metal into her hand. He trusted Chloe, he really did, but her alone in his house, with all his mothers expensive vases? It was bound to go wrong. And there it was again that weird grin, this time he was sure he saw it, what was she up to? Zane did a silent prayer for the vases. 

Kawaii~Chan was smiling a sweet smile, staring dreamily up against the sky. Zane couldn't help but smiled. 

"So," he started. "How's the bakery?" Kawaii~Chan looked into his eyes, he couldn't help but feel drawn in by them. 

"Oh! It's great! Kawaii~Chan's mama caught the flu, so it's been closed lately" Zane saw her smile fade for a short moment. "But it'll open as soon as she's well again!" Zane nodded and looked down at the ground. 

"Don't worry Zane Kun, everything will be fine!" She said. Zane took out his phone to check the time. 

"It's almost twelve," he said. But Kawaii~Chan was far from this world, staring up at the sky again. Suddenly Zane heard panting behind him. 

"I'm back!" Chloe said and instantly started walking.

"So, what is there to do at this place?" Chloe asked as they stepped into the colorfully decorated market. It was almost blinding. And Zane felt like all the Santa robotics were staring at him.

"Kawaii~Chan thought we could go ice skating," Kawaii~Chan said and jumped up and down. The snow made cracking noises as her feet hit the ground and her hair bounced up and down like a invisible force pulled it. 

"But I don't know how to" Zane said. 

"Don't worry, we'll teach you," Chloe assured, her jeans were soaked up to her knees. "Now, I need hot cocoa."

I'm Not Ok, I Promise. (A Zane~Chan FF)Where stories live. Discover now