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That school day, everything was different. Maybe it was because Zane was holding Kawaii~Chan's hand under the table, maybe it was because Zane had slept more than 2 hours that night, or maybe it was because Zane's mother had told him that he was gonna be home schooled after that day.

"The question is, what do we do now?" Chloe asked. Zane didn't know, he had been thinking about it, but he had no idea, he never seemed to come up with something good, when he was thinking.

"We give up?" He asked.

"Never!" Kawaii~Chan said and squeezed his hand.

"Kawaii~Chan's right, we can't give up now," Chloe said and stared down at the table. "I may have an idea," she then said and looked at him. "But you are not gonna like it."

"What is it?" Kawaii~Chan asked, and kept clutching Zane's hand.

"We run away."

Zane could tell, by her the way she said it, that this wasn't one of her bizarre jokes, this was real. He had heard her talking about, just buying a car and leaving, go somewhere bright, like New York, and that was exactly what she was gonna do.

"Kawaii~Chan can't do that, what will her mother do without her?" Kawaii~Chan asked.
"Well, your choice, I'm leaving," Chloe said sternly and rested her hands on the back of her head, in a somewhat pathetic try to looked relaxed about the situation.

Zane was surprised, he didn't know what he had expected, that Chloe was gonna stick with them and do something for the group? Of course not. She was just as much a coward as he was.

"When?" Kawaii~Chan asked.
"On Sunday," she said and glance over her shoulder as if she was afraid of someone watching them. "My guy has promised hooked me up with an old pick up."

Zane looked thoughtful, or he tried to, in reality he was always thinking too much, too much for what was good for him. 

"Do you really have to?" The words escaped Zane's mouth.

Kawaii~Chan was looking at him like he just won a world war and Chloe didn't answer him, maybe she was using it as a threat to, in some way, drag them with her?

"Listen, I know you have your friends and family and all that shit here, but I got an offer," she said and moved out of the, seemed to, uncomfortable position.

"What kind of offer?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

Chloe looked down at the table. "An offer for a room up state." Zane looked over at Kawaii~Chan, it felt like way too long ago since he looked at her the last time, she looked worried, and was squeezing his hand harder than ever. He didn't mind though.

"That sounds kinda sketchy" Zane said.

"Maybe, but I'll take it." Did she really want to leave that bad, or was she still playing come and get me? Zane couldn't quite tell.

Saved by the bell, Chloe's phone started ringing. 

She uttered a quiet "the fuck" before answering.


"What? I don't understand."

"Okay, slow down."

"You... you got arrested?" Even though Chloe tried to be quiet, the people sitting at the nearest tables started to turn their attention towards them.

"Dude, you're supposed to learn from my mistakes, not repeat them. You know mom can't-"

That was when Zane realized that everybody was looking at them. He intertwined Kawaii~Chan's fingers with his own, and pulled up his mask.

"Okay, I'll come pick you up, but you fucking owe me one."

Someone at the table next to them got up.

Casey Colden, a real asshole. Zane wouldn't have expected him to keep to his business anyway.

Chloe hung up.

"I guess like sister like brother, huh?" Casey remarked, and nonchalantly checked his nails.

"Can't you just mind your P's and Q's?" Zane tried, but he knew it wasn't gonna be that easy.

"Well it seems that Chloe's 'P's and Q's' just became everybody else's." Casey leaned over their table. 

"Now, what was it this time, shop lifting, assault... or maybe possession of drugs, seems to run in the family."

"Well, I reckon that isn't very fair." Chloe's eyes were gleaming, Zane was afraid of what was to come. 

"I was only 15 back then." Miles gasped in surprise, as if everyone didn't already fucking know. Zane knew how fast words traveled at their school. The flash didn't have nothing on gossipers.

"So it's true?" Casey seemed too filled with blood-lust to conceal his excitement.

Chloe let out a little laugh. "You bet."


I'm Not Ok, I Promise. (A Zane~Chan FF)Where stories live. Discover now