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Snow was everywhere. 

It covered the ground like a big, white, blanket. Zane had been standing here - outside the school - for about twenty minutes, and Vylad hadn't showed up yet. 

He was nervous, checking the clock for the thirtieth time. 

Zane was an impatient human being and Vylad wasn't usually this late. Zane anxiously looked around for his brothers familiar face - nothing. He was about to go, when he suddenly heard somebody yell his name. 

"Zane! Wait!" He heard shoes in the snow running towards him. 

"Hurry up, we don't wanna be late for dinner," Zane said to his brother. 

"No, just listen, this is very important, mom and dad they're gonna-" his explanation was cut short by his mothers voice. 

"Zu-Zu! There you are, me and your dad have been all over the school looking for you," his mother said.

She was standing right there, in the white snow, dressed in black. Next to her was his dad, with a serious expression on his face. 

"Mom? Dad?" Zane asked. "What are you doing here?" He looked over at Vylad, he was looking down at the frozen ground, he looked ashamed. 

"Me and your mom have to talk to you about something," his dad said looking him directly in the eyes, like they were having a staring contest. 

"What's wrong?" Zane asked, none of his questions seemed to be answered. His mom smiled at him, in a sad expression. 

"Come with us Zu.Zu, we're going home," she said and walked a step closer to him. 

"No! I want to know what's going on!" He always was the stubborn child.  

"Now, now, no need to get like that" his dad said sternly, yet calmly.  

"Just follow them Zane," his brother said, looking up from the ground shortly in a shameful glare at Zane.
"You too?!" Zane knew he couldn't win, so he sighed, closed his eyes for a moment, and followed them out the gate.

The ride home was tense. His mom tried to raise that tension, with conversation topics, but nobody in the car seemed much for a friendly chat. 

Zane just looked out the window, studying everything the car passed closely, but it was hard because the car was moving unusually fast. He looked over at his dad, he seemed focused and angry. His knuckles growing white as he held tightly on the steering wheel.
Zane started to recognize the neighborhood where he had lived for so many years, all those expensive mansions, nothing like where Kawaii~Chan lived. Sometimes he felt guilty about that.

Suddenly he could feel the car stopped, his parents exited the car almost in sync. Zane was about to leave too, when he felt Vylad grip his shoulder. He looked over at his brother, he looked like he was about to cry. 

"Zane... I'm so sorry..." he said and quickly left the car. And so Zane sat there, staring into the seat in front of him, part scared, part angry. A knock on the window suddenly broke his thoughts.

"My Zu-Zu, how about coming inside?" His mother said in a soft voice, she sometimes used, when she was about to give bad news. 

Without a word, Zane left the car and entered the house. As he looked up the ginormous staircase in the middle of the room, with the big lamp - who was just shining a little bit too bright - seemed so new, so absent from his everyday life, even though he saw it every day.
"So, Garte let's just get to the point," his mother said. She normally didn't refer to their father by his name, she usually called him 'your dad' or just 'dad', which only made Zane more uncomfortable about the situation. 

She sighed. "Zu-Zu... Zane.. my dear, we've found out that you have befriended a certain 'Chloe' and 'Kawaii~Chan', me and your dad have decided..."
She held a break to look over at Zane father for confirmation. "That these people..." she sighed again, as if she didn't really think that it was a good idea, and send his dad another uncertainty look. "Maybe these people aren't good for you..."

"W-what do you mean?" Zane asked, the nervousness slowly turning more and more into anger.

"We think that it would be better if you cut these people out of your life," his dad said as if he was disgusted by them. 

Zane let out a little chuckle. "So I finally get friends - a thing you've been trying to push me to my whole life - and then you just want me to stop hanging out with them? To just "cut them out of my life?!" He said and glared, glared so hard he thought he might have exploded.

"Yeah, and look how well that went, we just think that you can do better, which is why me and your dad have made Vylad keep a close eye on you, remember that we are doing this for you," she said and stepped closer, she was about to grab his shoulder, but Zane stepped back.

"No" Zane said, "No, I'm not letting you do this to me." He ran up the staircase to his room. 

"Zu-Zu, come back!" His mom yelled after him. 

He stopped on the middle way and looked down at her. "I've always hated it when you called me that!" He shouted and disappeared.


I'm Not Ok, I Promise. (A Zane~Chan FF)Where stories live. Discover now