VII. Avocation

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Retreating to the only safe place he knew, Keith stomped down the halls towards the training deck, pushing himself to take out his anger towards Shiro on a simulator. Sighing, he slowed down, relaxing, going over the conversation once more. He knew that he'd basically just told Shiro everything that he needed to know to blackmail him, but at this point, Keith didn't care. He was focused on keeping the 'Klance' talk to a minimum, and he knew about Shiro and Pidge's scam. He wasn't stupid.
All of the behind-his-back talk made Keith very wary. He knew that Lance probably heard what they were saying, and it stressed him out to know that Lance might actually know how Keith felt. How in the world could Lance ever like Keith, anyways? He was full of secrets, some that he wouldn't ever share. Lance was loyal and friendly, and Keith was the absolute opposite, never a hundred percent sure if these people are his real friends. Sure, he trusts them with his life, but they already know too much about him. He wouldn't blame the other paladins in they turned on him, believing he was working for the Galran Empire or something. Coran had told him countless times that his recklessness would kill him, and to be honest, Keith believed that. He wasn't going to die a brave death; he was going to be an idiot and do something he had been warned not to.

Interuppting his thoughts, the loud, bright red alarm of warning lit the training deck, which Keith was pacing, and he sprung to his feet, tripping down the corridors towards the control room, where the crew was gathering.
"What's going on?" Keith breathed heavily, standing next to Pidge and Lance.
Allura looked towards him in panic, her voice cracking, like the thousands of times before. "There's been an attack on this planet we're approaching. This entire solar system, in fact. The Galra has already swept through this part of the galaxy, but there are still survivors. I will send teams of two down to each planet at a time to help. You'll take one lion and be given supplies to help. Coran," she said, turning towards the Altean mechanic. "I need you to get the storage pods. We're going to need them." He nodded and ran off, and the princess focused towards Keith and Lance.
"Keith, Lance," she paused, thinking. "You two take this upcoming planet. It looks the biggest in the system, and seems to have the most damage. You two are a good team, so I expect full repair of this planet. The people," she looked at her screen that was pulled up. "The people are called Extrusi. They do speak English, and I'll send you down to talk to the king, so he knows we're not enemies." As she continued to address the other paladins, Keith glanced over his shoulder, and his eyes met Lance's. Both smiled and Lance turned red, though Keith was sure he looked just the same. Pidge caught them looking at one another, and made a heart with her hands, smirking from behind her glasses, which bought her a nudge from Lance and a glare from Shiro, who was crouched down next to her.
Keith came back into focus, training out of his thoughts as Allura called out again after talking to Hunk and Coran. "Lance, Keith," she addressed. "Take the blue lion. Pidge and Shiro will take the black lion, and Hunk and Coran will stay here to gather and send down supplies. Everyone will first go to the largest planet, directly below us, and talk to the king. This will be quite a long mission, since we must help the entire galaxy, but one planet at a time we will save lives. Let's end the Galra!" She smiled big, and anytime Allura smiles, it seems contagious. Excited yet nervous, Keith followed Lance, Pidge and Shiro to the hangars of the black and blue lions.


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