XXI. Paper Crowns

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"...Who the hell are you?"



"It's me. I'm still Keith."

"No-no you're not. I-I don't know who you are, but you're not fucking Keith."

"How could I possibly be anyone else?!"


"It's me!"

"..Why am I supposed to believe that?! How many secrets are you keeping from us?! From me?! ...I.. I don't know who the fuck you are, Keith. You hide everything."

"Because of this! I knew this would happen if I told someone! Especially you."

"Well, maybe I'd be a little less shocked if I hadn't walked in on you crying in the bathroom with purple ears and yellow eyes!"

"Shut up! You don't understand..."

"I'm want to understand, but it's impossibly hard to help someone with what something you don't know about!"

"Fuck off!"

"...We could've gone through this together, Keith. As a family."

"No we couldn't."

"All we've been through, and you still don't trust us. Trust me."

"It's not like that."

"Then what is it?! Because.. this... this just isn't fucking right."

"Just.. stop. Please."

"Why didn't you tell me?! Tell someone?! You know I would've helped you..."

"I didn't want to lose you! It could ruin everything."

"Well, it's not doing any good now."

"Do you even care?!"

"Of course I fucking care! I've cared about you since the day we met!"


"I've liked you since the day we found Shiro! I wanted to be just like you! But you know what I was?! Nothing!"


"I loved everything about you! I still do! Your soft hair, the way you smile at my dumb jokes..."


"..How beneath your cold exterior.. lies someone who's scared. Fragile. I love how you show me that."


"You know what I don't love?
When you lie."

"I didn't-"

"When you pretend like you're fine even though you're not."

"If you think that, then why did you come back?! Why didn't you just run when you had the chance?!"

"...Because of tonight."


"But now.. I don't know who you are."

"Yes you do! I'm fucking Keith! You know who I am! Stop acting like this!"

"How the hell am I supposed to act when you've been keeping this secret from me this whole time?!"

"I thought... I thought you wouldn't love me anymore. I thought if everyone knew, I couldn't be a paladin."

"Well, look where it's gotten us now."

".. I'm sorry."

"It's a little too late for that, isn't it."
The door closed.
Before you say that they're overreacting, imagine if your friend was hiding that he is ANOTHER SPECIES from you
What if your sister turned out to be a mass-murdering lizard?!

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