XIII. Ludicrous

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"Keith." Pidge snarled, turning away from Lance, who lay on the floor next to her, unconcious. "If you don't stop breathing in my ear, I will rip your arm out of its socket and beat you over the head with it."
The red paladin frowned and backed up, trying his best to steady his breathing. He stood next to Hunk, and the yellow paladin sat at his panel, biting his cheek and doing the most he could to stay focused on the passing galaxies that he drove through. Keith placed a hand on his shoulder when he noticed the yellow paladin had tears coming out of his eyes.
"I know, I know, sorry."
Shiro didn't pull his eyes away from Lance as he spoke, twirling the gauze Pidge gave to him in between his fingers. "Once we get him back to the pods, he'll be good as new. Remember when we fought Sendak? He was totally fine after a day in those pods." Shiro glanced down at Lance's arm, that was now wrapped in the gauze that he was holding.
"I'm just surprised the Galra didn't hurt him as much."
Pidge grimaced. "I think the damage is more..." she tapped her head. "...up here, Shiro."
Hunk spoke from the corner of his mouth. "Is he going to be the same?"
Pidge scoffed. "Of course. He'll still be Lance, just like Shiro is still Shiro. Nothing's gonna be that drastic."
Uneasy silence swept over the paladins, and Hunk put a hand on the control board of his lion, closing his eyes and willing it to turn on. The largest lion buzzed to life, and with a flip of a switch, they were headed back for the castle.
Keith turned away from Lance, Shiro, and Pidge, instead gazing out the window, watching the stars pass by, trying to distract himself from the scenarios running through his head and the quiet of the yellow lion.

A sore cough pulled him out of his stargazing trance, and he whipped around to see Lance pulling himself off the ground, trying to sit up. The blue paladin tried to make eye contact with Keith, but he kept looking away from Lance, only peering over his shoulder.
"Lance!" Pidge practically screamed, jumping up as she hugged him tight. Hunk just smiled warmly towards Lance's direction and turned back to the front, doing his best to stay focused on the galaxies ahead of him.
Shiro crouched down next to Lance, rubbing his shoulder and ruffling his hair. "Hey, Lance! Are you feeling okay?"
The blue paladin tried to grin, though the pain was evident through his gritted teeth, and he looked like he was angry more than happy. "Couldn't b-be better." He turned to Keith, who had stayed in the corner, obviously expecting him to say something.
The red paladin gave a teethless smile and turned back to the window, arms crossed and head low.
Remorse washed over Keith again and again.
Was he the reason Lance threatened to shoot himself?
"Lance," Pidge said quietly, glaring at Keith for a second before turning back to the blue paladin. "Do you need to go into a healing pod?"
"Uh.. no."He said, getting to his feet the best he could with one arm. "Besides.." his breath was shaky. "..this, I'm okay.
Shiro and Pidge exchanged nervous glances.
Keith turned around and looked Lance in the face, the color of his eyes bringing back memories of how bright they were when he cried.
"You sure you're good? You wouldn't have to be in there long."
Lance smiled weakly. "Y-yeah, I just-" his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he stumbled on his feet and fell. Shiro caught him and gently lowered him onto the ground, where he was layed earlier.
"Blood loss." Pidge tsked. "He's gonna need that healing pod." She turned to Hunk. "We almost there?"
The yellow paladin nodded. "A couple more minutes."
Keith said nothing as he walked over to kneel down by Lance.
He was tempted to unravel the gauze around his forearm and elbow, but with Pidge right next to him, he knew better.
God, he prayed that Lance would live.
Everyone in the yellow lion did.



"Stop breathing in my ear."

Sorry for the short chapters, but next chapter will be out soon and is gonna have a whole lotta klance :))))))))
Thank you so much for all the support your comments are so nice
I love this fandom

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