Chapter 2: Part 1

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Chapter 2

There were a few hours where I just sat there, trying to keep myself together.

I was startled when the truck pulled to a stop. I quickly put away America's picture, not wanting them to take away the one thing that was keeping me from giving up and losing hope.

The door swung open and light streamed in, blinding me. I squinted, trying to get a good look at the person in front of me. Before I could see their face, they shoved a hood over my head, blacking out the sunlight. The person pulled me roughly from the box. My legs were weak from sitting for so long and when my feet touched the ground, I almost fell to my knees. Luckily, I managed to steady myself and keep at least some of my dignity.

They had me march blindly into a building. I began to shiver from the frigid air inside.

Eventually, the rebel shoved me into a cell. The hood was taken off and I spun around to face the person. It was a large man who looked to be in his mid-twenties. His muscles bulged under his uniform. The man's eyes were looking at me strangely, his expression hovering near pity.

I stared back at him, completely bewildered. Maybe this man was different. Maybe he would help me.

He held my stare for a bit before looking away, obviously disgusted with himself for having sympathy for one of the people he was supposed to hate. I sighed at the lost possibility for even the smallest bit of companionship. I guess I really was on my own.

The man cleared his throat. He spoke with an accent that hinted that he'd been born and raised in the South. "You'll get food and water three times a day. Tastes like crap, but it's better than nothing and I'd suggest you eat it all. You'll need to keep up your strength."

"What for?" I kept my voice calm even though I feared his answer.

He ignored my question, but a knowing smirk played on his lips as he continued. "Knock on the door if you have to use the bathroom and I'll take you."

The man looked over me, his eyes taking me in. "I'd keep that jacket on, if I were your the temperature drops a few degrees at night and any kind of warmth should be welcomed. But lose the tie, the other guards will beat you up for looking like a narcissistic little prat."

"And you won't?"

A dark look passed over his face. He seemed hesitant to answer, but I guess he decided there was no harm in responding. He looked over his shoulder, checking to see if anyone was around, before answering my question.

"No, I won't. I'm not like the others. My problems are with how the country is run, not the royal family. Many of the guys think that the monarchy is just a family who has no clue how to run a country and needs to be destroyed. They would give anything to just take a swing at you because they hate every aspect of the royal family. I, on the other hand, just want there to be some change in a system that clearly isn't working. I have no issues with you or your family. I only joined the rebels because it seemed like the only way my voice would be heard and I could make a difference, even though I don't always agree with their methods."

I stared at the curious man, stunned by his words. Was he telling the truth about many of he men's motives? Was it not the downfall of Illéa they wanted, but the demise of my family?

"Are there more like you?"

He shrugged.

"Possibly, but not many. Even the boss of this base hates your family. Well... really just you. Speaking of him, he'll be here soon. Wanted to give you a special welcome, whatever that means. Good luck with him. Between you and me, the man is insane. I'm surprised they made him base leader considering that and the fact that he's only nineteen."

Something about his description seemed familiar. Who did I know that was nineteen and hated me? The answer seemed just out of my reach. Curse my forgetful brain!

I dropped the thought. I'd find out soon enough.

The man turned to leave, but I stopped him by saying, "Wait! I have just one more thing to ask."

"What is it, kid?"

"What's your name?"

He laughed out loud at my simple request. I'm not sure why I wanted to know. Maybe I was trying to have an ally, like Father always told me was important.

"The name's Gabriel."

"Maxon," I replied.

"I know," he chuckled lightly and walked out, closing the door softly behind him.

A small smile formed on my lips at the tiny victory. I was one step closer to having a friend in this place.

The smile drifted away when I thought about how well Gabriel and America would get along under different circumstances. They were both passionate about their beliefs and were a little cheeky.

My heart ached at the loneliness I was feeling now that I was alone in my cell. I felt crushed by the pain of not having her next to me. Eventually, I was going to be driven mad from the longing to see her.

The image of her in her wedding gown burned in my my mind. She'd looked so beautiful. What if I never saw her again? What if they ended up taking her here, too? I'm not sure I'd be able to bear it.

I shook my head, clearing away thoughts that were to painful for me to handle. I tried to keep my mind blank as I waited for the base's leader. Gabriel's description of him sounded oddly familiar, like I knew the person. A sense of dread settled in my gut as my brain worked to think of who it was.

Voices started speaking out side of my cell. I got up from the ground, wiping off dust from the floor that'd gathered on my clothes. I wasn't going to be intimidated by the leader.

I tensed as the door opened.

No way. No way in hell was this actually happening.







So, what do you think of Gabriel?? He's going to be in it a lot more for the next few chapters.

I'm pretty sure I made it super obvious, but who do you think is coming into Maxon's cell???

You might want me to move along to past the One FanFiction, and I'm getting there, but I really wanted to focus on Maxon's experience at the rebel compound. This was a HUGE thing for him and I wanted you guys to know why he is experiencing certain thing( if you read the One FanFiction, you know what I'm talking about ;) ). I never really elaborated to much on it, so I thought you might be a teensy bit confused. No, I'm not going to say confused. I like confuzzled better.


Anyways... I thought you might be a teensy bit confuzzled ;)

Don't worry. I'm getting to new stuff in maybe... 5 chapters? I'm not sure. It all depends on my mood and if I want to be an evil writer and make you wait.



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