Chapter 36

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Song: Forever Young by Rod Stewart

The past few months had flown by faster than a heartbeat. We were always busy, whether it be from prenatal checkups or politics. There was never a second to spare and we were both left exhausted at the end of each day. I wished I'd been able to enjoy the experience with America more, but it was just one of the pitfalls of having a baby and ruling a country at the same time.

America was due any day now. She was far too tired to come to the Report that was happening right now with me. She wasn't the only tired one though. I'd been so overcome with nerves for the past two weeks that I hardly got any sleep in the sparse amounts of free time I had.

That was why I sat in my chair, nearly asleep, and listened as the announcements about something or other were made. It was incapable of holding my interest as I went through a cycle. First, I would try to listen. Then, I would be about to fall asleep. Finally, I would be jolted back awake by anxiety. Repeat.

As I was in the process of completing the second stage of the cycle, Gabriel approached me from the side of the stage. I sat up straighter and beckoned him closer.

"Gabe," I smiled, speaking quietly so I wouldn't interrupt the broadcast. "What's up?"

"The queen is in the infirmary. It's time, Maxon."

I got to my feet in an instant. All of the officials on the stage turned to look at me, wanting an explanation. "I'm having a baby!" I exclaimed in response. Gabriel grinned and patted me on the shoulder before I took off sprinting down the hallways.

It was actually happening. I was about to see the birth of my baby. Happiness, and panic, surged through me. Thoughts flew through my head so fast it was hard to focus on just one. Was it a boy or a girl? What would it look like? Would I be a good dad? What name would we pick? Was I forgetting something? How was America doing?

I skidded to a stop when I realized I was nowhere near the hospital wing. I was actually going the exact opposite way. I'd lived here my whole life and I was so flustered I managed to go the wrong way. I didn't even know that was possible. Luckily, I'd caught myself before I ended up on the other side of the palace.

I turned around as fast as I could and jogged in the right direction. I knew I was getting close when I heard, "I DON'T CARE IF HE'S IN FREAKING NEW ASIA! THIS BABY IS NOT BEING BORN WITHOUT ITS FATHER!"

I chuckled to myself as I turned down the final hallway and ran into the infirmary. America was laying on the bed. Her hair was plastered to her forehead from sweat and her baby bump looked pronounced from the way the hospital gown fit her. Her breathing was heavy. She had the bed sheets clutched in her fists. When she noticed me, her expression lightened a bit.

"Maxon," she said with a breathy sigh. I took that as my cue to go and sit in the chair next to the bed. I took her hand in mine, kissing her knuckles.

"Hey, sweetie. How are you doing?"

"I've been better," she admitted. "A little emotional right now."

"A little," snorted Marlee, who was getting any supplies needed ready because she'd offered to help the doctors with delivering the baby. She was pretty experienced since she'd already had two of her own, twin girls. I suspected it was less that she wanted to help and more that she wanted to be there for her best friend.

"Oh, hush," America teased.

She suddenly gasped in pain and tightened her grip on my hand. She squeezed her eyes shut and let out a short groan.

"America? Are you okay?" I asked, fear creeping into my voice.

She nodded bravely. "Yeah. It's just a contraction. It'll be done soon."

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